Tuesday, December 31, 2019
How Should We Respond The Global Problem Of Immigration
How should we respond to the global problem of immigration? Immigration is the movement of people from their native country into another country in order to permanently settle and live there. Immigration is a phenomenon that is global and which has been growing rapidly. A survey done in 2012 found given an opportunity, 640 million people would migrate with 23 percent choosing the United States and 7 percent choosing the United Kingdom. The number of global migrants worldwide has increased over the years reaching 244 million migrants in 2015 which indicates a 32 percent increases since 2010. The United States of America has the largest number of migrants with 22 percent of the overall immigrants residing there. This figure has moved up†¦show more content†¦The rapid growth of immigrants poses a threat to the natives whereby with the growing demographic change, there is increased cultural diversity and their identity as a country keeps diluting the American culture with more i mmigrants moving into the country, it has become a multicultural place. It has created tension between the natives and the immigrants leading to racism, and negative reactions to immigrants by blaming them for everything and attacking them. It is challenging for the host country to assimilate immigrants into the society and provide the necessary support hence without assimilation, and this has led to increased dangers from foreigners. For example, a series of attacks in Germany in late July 2016 by foreigners, with a number of them having entered the country as refugees; fears have grown of terrorist crossing into countries among those immigrating (Robinson). The host country will experience rapid population growth which places a strain on the infrastructure and services such as health services and education in the country. For some of the immigrants, success in a new country is not guaranteed, and they are forced to take any job necessary usually the unskilled jobs and at very low wages. Others will end up unemployed and have to turn to crime this leads to increased crime rate and a higher level of insecurity in the country. The current immigration policy for the United States is very strict long and tedious and has led to aShow MoreRelatedThe Backbone Of Any Health Care1503 Words  | 7 Pagesto their recruitment to developed countries is a global health issue which has negative impacts on the citizens of developing countries. 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Gale Learning Center states that 36% of America is cultured, so who#39;s to say they should be the only ones to change their wayRead MoreIntercultural Communication in the Workforce1292 Words  | 6 Pagesbusiness more and more in a global context. The people that count in any business from the suppliers to clients to employees are increasingly based in remote locations in foreign countries. The need for effective and clear intercultural communication is becoming vital in securing success in today’s global workplace. Managers of global corporations need to understand the role of intercultural communication competence in achieving cohesiveness in diverse environments of global business teams. Whether deliveringRead MoreThe Debate Has Gone On For Decades?1902 Words  | 8 Pagesimmigrants is that they ‘steal’ jobs from American citizens and deflate the minimum wage by overloading the low-income job markets. This opinion has been voiced by Samuel P. Huntington in his article The Hispanic Challenge. He states that if Mexican immigration was stopped, â€Å"The annual flow of legal immigrants would drop by about 175,000†, â€Å"the wages of low-income U.S. citizens would improve†and â€Å"a major potential threat to the country†would simply â€Å"disappear.†While his former statements are technically
Monday, December 23, 2019
Animal Testing Should Be Banned Essay - 1238 Words
Every year in laboratories, hundreds, upon thousands, upon millions of animals are used, abused, plagued, diseased, and mercilessly killed for testing. On animals, people called, â€Å"vivisectors,†test loads of products, such as cosmetics, cleaning chemicals, medicines, warfare supplies, and pesticides on animals. The animals that are most commonly used are rabbits, guinea pigs,and mice, but they also tend to use other animals such as dogs, cats, cattle, swine, chickens, monkeys, reptiles, and many more. Each year inside British laboratories, nearly four million animals are experimented on. Every eight seconds, an animal dies. These animals are sentient beings, that can have emotions like fear, frustration, sadness, and loneliness. These†¦show more content†¦Also, the outcome of the product that has been tested on animals, may differ quite a bit, once it is actually put into action with humans. â€Å"Obvious and subtle differences between humans and animals in ter ms of our physiology, anatomy, and metabolism make it difficult to apply data derived from animal studies to human conditions.†(Matthews, American Anti-Vivisection Association) 92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals, fail in human clinical trials, because they are either too dangerous, or do not work. Simply because both of these hypotheses have been effectively proven true, there is no way to truly know whether or not we can trust any, much less all,of the medicines that have been tested on animals. We need to stop this, before it is too late. I personally believe that if we must test a product on animals, we should not use it. Besides, this process is cruel, useless, incompetent, foolish, unwanted, harmful to animal species, and unneeded. Why should we rip an animal’s rights from them, only to benefit us, especially if we do not have to, even more especially if it is not guaranteed work? It is cruel, useless, and just plain stupid to harm one species to, â€Å"help,†another. Think about it. Pretend for a moment that you are a vivisector, in one of America’s testing labs. What would do ifShow MoreRelatedShould Animal Testing Be Banned?844 Words  | 3 PagesShould animal testing be banned? Nowadays, a lot of animals has been tested on a range of experiments over the world. You could be supporting animal teasing cruelty without knowing it. Have you ever check if there’s animal testing on the cosmetics before you buy it? Today, a lot of cosmetics has been testing on helpless animals and there are about 1.4 million animals die each year from animal testing ( CatalanoJ, 1994). Most of the experiments that are completed in the laboratories are very cruelRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned880 Words  | 4 Pagesdepending on animals testing. Therefore, if people talk about laboratories, they should remember animal experiments. Those animals have the right to live, according to people who dislike the idea of doing testing on animals; the other opinion, supports the idea of animal testing as the important part of the source of what has reached medicine of the results and solutions for diseases prevalent in every time and place. Each year huge numbers of animals a re sacrificed for the science all these animals, whetherRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned776 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal Testing Should be Banned  ¨Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisioned and abused in US labs every year ¨ ( ¨11 Facts About Animal Testing ¨). Imagine if that was someones animal getting tortured in labs just to test things such as beauty products and perfume. Animal testing was first suggested when,  ¨Charles Darwin evolutionary theory in the mid 1850s also served to suggest that animals could serve as effective models to facilitate biological understanding in humans ¨ (Murnaghan)Read MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned940 Words  | 4 Pages1). Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year. 2). 92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials. (DoSomething â€Å"11 Facts About Animal Testing†). There are currently no laws combating the testing of cosmetics on animals, but the practice is harmful and must be ended. As evidenced by the statistics above, millions of animals are tortured and murdered in the United States every year for virtually no reasonRead MoreShould Animal Testing Be Banned?1665 Words  | 7 PagesTesting Cosmetics on Animals Companies around the world use animals to test cosmetics. Animals, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and mice, are used to test the effects of chemicals on the eyes and skin. While animal testing is not mandatory, many companies use it. About Cosmetics Animal Testing by the Humane Society International talks about the different options companies have that do not require the cruel use and eventual death of animals. The article also talks about the overallRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1572 Words  | 7 PagesAnimal Testing Every year, over two hundred million innocent animals are injured or killed in scientific experiments across the world. Of those animals, between seventeen and twenty million are used in the United States alone. It is said that an animal dies in a laboratory every three seconds (Animal Testing 101). Those in favor of animal experimentation say they are taking animals’ lives to save humans. It is not necessary to subject animals to torturous conditions or painful experiments in theRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1581 Words  | 7 PagesAnimal testing is being used by different organizations all over the world to prevent specific diseases, especially cancer. Americans see animal testing having a harmful effect but it is one of the main reasons why society has most cures for some illnesses. This topic is important because people need to know what goes on during animal testing and why it is very beneficial. Animal testing needs to be used to find all cures. Some ani mals such as chimps/ monkeys have 90% of the same DNA humans haveRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1721 Words  | 7 Pages †Today, more animals are being used in experiments than ever before: around 100 million in the United States alone†(3). Animal testing is now an international issue, and it is becoming a major story. Currently, animals are often used in medical testing, make-up testing, and other consumer product testing. Animals used in such product testing are often abused and suffer from serious side-effects. Animal testing can be painful for the animals, testing results are usually not even useable forRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned1364 Words  | 6 Pagesbenefit. Using animals for these experimentations usually does not come to mind. Animals are often abused, suffer, and even die during laboratory testing for the benefits of people to make sure medications, household products, newest procedures, and cosmetics are safe and effective for human use. Humans have benefited from animal testing for years while these animals suffer consequences with no positive outcomes for themselves. Even if a product or procedure is deemed successful, these animals are frequentlyRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned Essay1632 Words  | 7 Pages Animal Testing Should Be Banned Throughout the decades, animals have been used in medical research to test the safety of cosmetics including makeup, hair products, soaps, perfume, and countless of other products. Animals have also been used to test antibiotics and other medicines to eliminate any potential risks that they could cause to humans. The number of animals worldwide that are used in laboratory experiments yearly exceeds 115 million animals. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Teens and Sex Education Free Essays
Teens and Sex Education | | |Home gt;gt;Teen Sexuality | |[pic] | | | |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] | |Teen sex education, or teen sex ed, is important for helping teens to understand the changes in their bodies and in their | |relationships during the teenage years.Sex education helps teens make healthy choices about relationships and sex. | |Sex education for teens should start well before the teenage years. We will write a custom essay sample on Teens and Sex Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now Starting early, parents should have age-appropriate | |discussions with their children about love, relationships, values, and sex. It is appropriate to give children and teens honest, | |clear answers when they ask questions about their bodies or about relationships. For young children these answers do not need to | |be graphic, but should be straightforward. |If parents make sex education an open, ongoing discussion with their child, by the time the child is a teen he or she will feel | |more comfortable asking his or her parents questions about sex and the changes brought about by sexual development in the teen | |years.Parental opinion is one of the most important factors teens use to make decisions about sex. If parents have not educated | |their teens about sex, or discourage questions from their teens, the teens will get more of their sex education from friends and | |the media, which are not reliable sources. |Teens do learn about sex from television, movies, music, and magazines; those teens who were exposed to sex through any of these | |media when young are more likely to begin having sex at an early age. The need to correct the false impressions teens may get | |from the media about sex is an important reason that teens should get sex education from their parents. | |Sex education conducted through schools or religious groups can also help to correct the misinformed and sometimes deceptive sex | |education teens get from the media and from friends.Some types of sex education presented by schools or religious organizations | |for children and teens might include: | |Good touch-bad touch talks for elementary students, teaching them that they have the right to be safe from inappropriate physical| |contact, and that they should respect this right in others. | |Basic descriptions of the reproductive system, usually presented in middle school, before puberty, to pre-teens separated by | |gender. |Discussions of human sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, and types of birth control, including abstinence, usually | |presented to teens in high school sex education courses. | |Value-based, age-appropriate discussions about relationships and sexuality offered by religious groups. | |These sex education classes generally require parental approval before the child or teen can participate, and give parents | |another opportunity to discuss relationships and values with their children or teens.Schools, religious groups, and community | |organizations may also offer advice or written materials to help parents talk to their teens about sex. | |Some parents are afraid that teen sex education encourages their teens to have sex. A recent study in Texas, however, found that | |teens who took a two week sex education class became more interested in waiting until after high school to have sex; before the | |class 84 percent of the teens wanted to wait, and after the class 87 percent were planning on waiting. Also, before the class 60 | |percent of the teens said they wanted to wait until marriage to have sex, and after the class 71 percent were planning on | |abstaining until marriage. | |The likelihood that teens will have sex is also reduced if they watch less than 2 hours of television on school nights, attend | |religious services, and come from a family with both parents. | |Parents, whether married or single, are still the strongest influence on the choices their teens make about sex. By being | |involved in their teens’ sex education, parents can help their teens develop healthy attitudes about love and sex. | How to cite Teens and Sex Education, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Comparison of Two Countries Using Hofstede-myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about theComparison of Two Countries Using Hofstede for Target. Answer: Introduction Power can be defined as the ability of a person to influence others in the organization. This mainly refers to the capacity of the person to affect the ways by which his subordinates behave in an organization. This is mainly related to an exchange relationship that deals with the transactions that occur between the agents and the targets. The agent is referred to a person who uses this power and the target is the person who is on the receiving end of the power (Bakir et al 2016). Change implementation can be influenced by the power of the managers that they are able to exert on the subordinates. The managers in this case can also be termed as change agents and they mainly facilitate the strategic transformation of an organization. The most important quality of a change agent is power. The leaders or the managers need to show their power and use it in the right manner to implement the change in the organizations successfully. The power that is used by the managers needs to be of the right type so that the employees comply with the instructions that are given to them (Beugelsdijk et al. 2015). The perspectives of power can be defined as the different contrasting and incompatible concepts related to power. The three dimensions of power are mainly, subjective and objective power, power as influence, power as ability and power-to and power-over. The perspectives of power are considered to be useful for the organization. The essay will be based on the analysis of the different types of power that can be used by the managers of the organization to implement any strategy or bring a change in the processes. The Hofstede model will be used to compare the cultures that are followed in the organizations in Australia and Singapore. Analysis of Hofstede Model As discussed by, Brouthers et al. (2016), the Hofstedes cultural dimension framework is mainly related to cross-cultural communication and this theory has been developed by Geert Hofstede. This describes the ways by which the culture followed in a particular society can affect the values of the members. The relation of these values to the behaviour of the members of that society is derived from the factor analysis process. The original framework developed by Hofstede depicted four major dimensions which could help in the analysis of the cultural values which includes, individualism-collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity. This theory is mainly used in the research related international management, cross-cultural psychology and cross-cultural communication. The Hofstede analysis is mainly used for the purpose of identifying the differences between the national cultures of the countries. The differences between the cultures and the values of differen t countries can be analysed by using the Hofstede model (Clinton 2017). The index of the six dimensions of Hofstede model determines the differences in the cultures that are followed in the countries. The six major components of the Hofstede model are, 1st dimension Power Distance Power distance is mainly related to the inequality of power between the supervisors and the subordinates. 2nd dimension Uncertainty avoidance This dimension is related to the extent up to which the members of a particular society are able to cope with the uncertainty that can occur in the future. 3rd dimension Individualism vs. Collectivism This dimension is related to the level up to which the individuals in the society are interested in the formation of groups. 4th dimension Masculinity vs. Femininity This dimension is related to the distribution of the emotional roles between the different genders. 5th dimension Long-term vs. short term orientation This dimension is based on the orientation of the individuals towards a particular long-term or short-term goal. 6th dimension Indulgence vs. restraint This dimension in mainly based on the happiness level of a particular society (Marieke 2015). Sources of power The five different sources power are as follows, Coercive Power Coercive power is mainly derived from the ability of the person to influence others with the help of threats, sanctions or punishments. This power is therefore related to the ability of the person to fire, punish or reprimand the other employees or subordinates of the organizations. This helps in controlling the behaviour of the employees in the company. Reward Power This power is related to the ability of the person to affect the allocation of the incentives of the organization. These incentives consist of increments of salary, promotions and performance appraisals. Reward power can be used to motivate the employees so that they improve their performance (Lauren, Mathieu and Kukenberger 2016). Legitimate Power Legitimate power is derived from a person who holds a position in the hierarchy of an organization. This type of power can also be termed as positional power. The positional power of legitimate power can be exercised efficiently only if the person has earned the power in a legitimate manner. Expert Power This type of power is related to the expertise or knowledge that is derived from a particular area. The skilled people are high value in the organization and they are also known for their skills related to problem-solving (Jane and Ragins 2017). Referent Power This power is derived from the interpersonal relationships that the people create with the others in the organization. These people possess the referent power when the others have respect for them. This type of power arises from the charisma of the person and ways by which he influences other people in the organization. Referent power can also be derived from the personal connections, trust and the respect among people. The personal relationships of the people help them in generating the power over others. Application of Hofstede model to change management Power Distance Index (PDI) As discussed by, Martin, Evanschitzky and Gilliland (2016), Power Distance Index is related to the degree of inequality of the power between the employees of the organization. Singapore has a high Power Distance Index or PDI which depicts that it deals with many levels of hierarchical power distribution. The society of Australia has low PDI which means that the hierarchical levels in the organizations of this country are low. Change implementation is tougher in organizations with high PDI that is Singapore as compared to the Australia which has low PDI. The reason being that the high PDI organizations have many levels hierarchy which leads to longer time taken for decision-making. In case of a country with high PDI like Singapore legitimate power will prove to be the most useful as many hierarchies are present in the different decision-making levels. On the other hand, for the country with low PDI like Australia rewards power is much more useful the levels of hierarchy are less (Dezhu, Yew-Kwang and Lian 2015). Individualism Vs. Collectivism According to, Handley, Sean and Angst (2015), the degree of individualism in the Australian society is high and it has received a score of 90 in the analysis. The Australian culture is Individualist in nature and the citizens are self-reliant. The degree of individualism is low and it has received a score of 20 in the analysis. The concept of We is important in the society of Singapore and this depicts the highly collectivist culture of Singapore. The people belonging to a certain group are always loyal with each other. The type of power which is suitable for the highly individualist culture like Australia is expert power and the reason is that the knowledge of the individuals in the society can influence others. The power that is suitable for a highly collectivist society like Singapore is the referent power as the interpersonal relationships between the members of the group are good and they are loyal to each other. The change management process will be easier in case of a collectivist society as the members of the society are related to each other and will be able to understand the benefits of change. On the other hand, the change implementation will be difficult in case of a highly individualist society as each of the individuals are interested in their own benefits. Masculinity Vs. Femininity As discussed by, Karlsson et al. (2018), the score of Singapore in this dimension is 48 and this depicts the levels of competition in the society are low. The society is more feminine in nature and it is mainly driven by the values and the ways by which the individuals care for each other. The score of Australia in this dimension is 61 and this depicts that the Australian society is more masculine in nature and the it is drive more by the competition as compared to the values and care that the individuals have for each other. The power that is suitable for a highly masculine society like Australia is the reward power as the high levels of competition in the society will encourage them in competing with each other for rewards. On the other hand, referent power is suitable for a highly feminine society like Singapore as the importance of values in the society will help them in developing interpersonal relationships (Sykes et al. 2014). The change implementat ion process needs to be different for both types of society. In case of a highly masculine society where competition is high the managers of the organizations need to educate the employees about the benefits of the change for the individuals. On the other hand, in case of a society with high values the change needs to be useful for the entire society. Uncertainty Avoidance Index According to, Riadh, Souiden and Choi (2015), the score of Singapore in the uncertainty avoidance index is 8, which is considered to be low. This depicts that the society of Singapore and the individuals are not able to avoid the stress related to the uncertainty that can occur in the future. On the other hand, Australia scores 51 in this dimension which much higher than Singapore. This score depicts that the individuals of this society are able to deal with the changes or the uncertainty that can occur in the future. The power which is suitable for a society with low index of uncertainty is coercive power as the individuals in the society cannot deal with the changes and they need to be sometimes compelled to accept the changes with the help of punishments. The power that is suitable for a society with the high uncertainty index is the legitimate power which will help in instructing the employees to adapt to the changes. The process of change implementat ion will be the toughest for a society with low uncertainty index (Sturm, Rachel and Antonakis 2015). Change can be easily implemented in a society which has low uncertainty index as the individuals are ready to accept change. Long-term Vs. Short term The score of Singapore in the long-term orientation is 72 and that of Australia is 21. This depicts that the society of Singapore deals with long-term goals and the society of Australia mainly deals with short-term goals. The power suitable for Singapore will be referent power and that for Australia will be rewards power. The change implementation will be easier for a society with high long-term score as compared to that with a low long-term score (Mazanec et al. 2015). Indulgence Vs. Restraint The indulgence score of Australia is 71 and that of Singapore is 46. This score depicts that the individuals of the society of Singapore are not able to control their impulses easily as compared to that of the individuals of the Australian society. The referent power is suitable for a society with a low score in indulgence and expert power is suitable for a society with a low score in indulgence. The implementation of change will be easier for a society where the indulgence level is low as compared to a society where the indulgence level is high (Lourdes and Medina 2017). Conclusion The analysis of Singapore based on the Hofstedes cultural dimensions have depicted that change implementation is not easy in the country. Singapore has received a low score in the dimensions like, individualism, masculinity, avoidance of uncertainty and indulgence. This has made the process of change implementation quite tough. The individuals in the society are not able to control their impulses and emotions and this can lead to many issues in the organizations and the changes that are implemented in the organizations. The low importance given to competition in the market is another issue in the society and this can be solved by increasing the levels of competition and further improving their performance so that they can fulfil their duties. Recommendations The masculinity index of the country can be increased by increasing the levels of competition in the market. The degree of indulgence can be reduced by making the citizens of the country more concerned about their own careers rather being impulsive about the decisions that they take regarding their organizations based on impulse. The power distance index in the company can be reduced by changing the organizational structure of the company and reducing hierarchical levels. References Bakir, Aysen, Jeffrey G. Blodgett, Scott J. Vitell, and Gregory M. Rose. 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Friday, November 29, 2019
A Comparison Of Night Walker And Roselily Essays - Fiction
A Comparison Of Night Walker And Roselily Essays - Fiction A Comparison of Night Walker and Roselily Brent Staples' Night Walker and Alice Walker's Roselily both present a glimpse into the world view of African-American culture through human characters set in ironic situations. The tone of Roselily is one of sardonic condemnation, whereas the tone of Night Walker is one of melancholy and anger in the face of alienation. Both deal with victimization, Night Walker's being derived from being mistaken for a criminal, and Roselily's dealing with the confines of a traditional marriage and the anxieties which result. Walker and Staples' stories hold an unusual irony as the perceived innocent are victims, and the perceived aggressors are the persecuted. Walker makes use of many descriptive images from the young woman who begins, "...dragging herself across the world."(P 335) to the "...crush of well-wishing people..." Each paragraph is anchored to the marriage by a preceding verse from a traditional marriage ceremony. Staples' descriptive images, though more contemporary in time, rely upon heavy contrast to sharply underscore his points. For instance describing, "...a relatively affluent neighborhood in an otherwise mean, impoverished section of Chicago." Morgan Glines English AP April 12, 1997
Monday, November 25, 2019
Intel vs Amd essays
Intel vs Amd essays Choosing a processor can be a very difficult decision. Should I get the AMD Athlon? Is the Intel Celeron a good choice? Is the Pentium III the processor that I should get? Well each of those are valid questions. But which Processor is best for you? Well that is a question that only you can answer. Coming to a determination for yourself is not so simple. So what questions do you need to ask yourself? Well here is what I use to determine which Processor that I will put into my PC each time I build a new machine. First what is the primary use of this machine? For the gamers the Intel celeron is the best processor. This is due to the lack of level 2 cache. Video and video ram is most important to the gamer. If you are using strictly using business applications then the AMD Athlon is an excellent choice. The more ram the better with these machines and Win NT is a great OS for business applications. If your doing some games and business applications a decent amount of graphics and an excellent server processor then I like the Pentium III processor. The more ram the better and also the more video ram the better here too. This processor like the drafting programs and other processor intensive programs. Although all of the above processor will work in each other place they each function better in different roles. The Intel Celeron processor is the least expensive of the Intel line of processors. a Celeron can be obtained for about $100 plus depending upon the speed. The AMD Athlon is a well priced Processor. The AMD processor family starts at under $100 and then goes up from there depending on the speed to upwards of over $600. The Intel Pentium III is a bit pricier processor starting around $250 to over $800 depending upon processor speed. Price although an important consideration is not that last consideration that I use for a final decision. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Market Analysis and Manufacturing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market Analysis and Manufacturing Plan - Essay Example 50% of the respondents were of the view that they consider it most important if they have the ability to track their cargos around the world. Similarly, 50% of the respondents also believe that they must also have the ability to know if their cargo has been taken off course during transit. Further, 15 respondents also showed their willingness to pay as much as $600 if a hardware unit is provided to them which can interface with their cargos to provide them real time location and other information (which has been sought in questionnaire). Further questions were asked as to what other services are required if hardware is provided and what cost. Most of the respondents agreed to avail a bundled package which offers hardware as well as other allied services to avail such facilities. Our analysis, based on the survey responses, suggest that at least 50% of the market is willing to have such a technological backing to help them to track their cargos during the different phases of its transit. Thus there is a great market need for at least the basic facility of providing hardware support to different potential buyers in the market who are willing to use better control over their cargo during its transit in order to minimize the losses. It has also been observed that a base price of $600 will be an acceptable proposition for our product for sale in the market. The price figure has been decided after respondents our survey showed their willingness to pay that much amount for basic services. The base price of $600 is also fair in nature because of the fact that it is just below the average price which industry buyers are willing to pay. Since our firm will be potentially engaged into B2B marketing therefore considering the higher bargaining power of customers, our market analysis suggest that a base price of $50 per month would be a fair quote for monthly subscription. This price is also below the mean therefore we consider it a fair price to charge. It is also important to note that we have accounted for the inherent risk in the survey method of conducting primary research therefore a +/- 5% or 95% confidence level is assumed while analyzing the data from questionnaire. Overall, we believe that there is enough demand for this type of product and considering the various uses of ATM, this market can offer better diversification opportunities also in order to control and minimize the overall external risk. Manufacturing Plan Our market need analysis suggest that there is an strong demand for ATM systems and market is willing to bet $ 600 for each unit to be sold to them therefore based on this healthy and positive assessment, following section will present the manufacturing plan for the product. It is however important to note
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Older Population as a Vulnerable Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Older Population as a Vulnerable Group - Essay Example The research paper â€Å"Older Population as a Vulnerable Group†investigates the difficulties faced by older adults, who belong to the vulnerable group mainly because of their limited physical mobility, cognitive impairment, and weakened social networks. The explosive technological developments in the field of medicine over the last few decades have significantly improved health status of people, particularly in economically developed countries like the U.S and the UK. Those developments and innovations were capable of increasing the life expectancy of people, and this situation in turn resulted in a phenomenon called population ageing. The older population is a vulnerable group, and this group’s vulnerability is a combination of three factors like health status, cognitive ability, and social support. Older people are likely to be affected by issues like loneliness, stress, and depression. Therefore, they are increasingly exposed to deception and fraud. Population agei ng is a process where a country’s median age rises due to increasing life expectancy and/or decreasing birth rates. In economically developed countries like the UK and the U.S, rising life expectancy is the major cause leading to population ageing. Recently, even less economically developed countries have also improved their life expectancy and significantly contribute population ageing. Growing life expectancy is the prime cause of population ageing in the world except in 18 countries which are ‘demographic outliers’ according to the United Nations.... The Department of Health indicates that an individual over 85 is approximately three times more expensive to health care as compared to a person between the ages of 65 and 75 ("More than 10 million people..†). Although the UK government has framed extensive mechanisms to ensure rapid and quality care for the older population, the needs of a notable percent of aging people still go unnoticed. Causes of vulnerability The fast growth of the older population raises great challenges to the wellbeing of the old age people because they are exposed to various vulnerabilities. It is identified that older population is increasingly prone to vulnerabilities like exploitation, abuse, and negligence by others. Referring to the words of Kim and Geistfeld, older population constitutes a vulnerable group and they are â€Å"more susceptible to unscrupulous business practices than younger groups†("What makes older adults vulnerable...). The authors continue that the older population ofte n becomes the target group for fraud because one can easily convince them. Scholars indicate that older individuals’ loneliness increases their vulnerability to fraudulent business transactions to a considerable extent. Psychological practitioners suggest that old age people are greatly in need of social interactions, and this is the reason why older consumers could be easily convinced by telemarketers. Majority of the older people have little market knowledge, and this weakness increases their susceptibility to fraud. It is awful to see that many of the old age people are not aware of the risk of losing ownership once payments are not made in time. Furthermore, they do not know whom they should contact in case
Monday, November 18, 2019
Transitional Media Corporations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Transitional Media Corporations - Essay Example New World Information and Communication Order (NWIO) activists at UNESCO and structural theorists revisit this argument over and over when naming the believed destructive impact that the existing global communication system has on world’s culture (Aris & Bughin 2009). The structural argument states that Western media function as a medium of Western culture, Western customs, and Western values. In conjunction with entertainment and news, Western media transmit to Third World countries depictions of a more affluent life and more adventurous ways of life (Herman & McChesney 1997). To the point that LDCs are reliant on the West for the broadcasting of their global news and entertainment, they supposedly become embedded in the cultural representation of the West. Images of Western culture are believed to generate economic, political, and social changes in world’s culture via the demonstration effect. Western media supposedly kindle aspirations on the part of the LDCs to imit ate the culture of Western countries (Thussu 1998). This is a culture rooted mostly on consumer-oriented and capitalist economies. As aspirations for a more westernised culture heighten, so do the desires for Western products and services. Consequently, this purportedly results in elevated importation of goods from Western countries and heightened reliance by Third World countries on their Northern trading partners (Chalaby 2009). As stated by Anthony Smith. The structural argument states that Western media function as a medium.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Research On Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Nursing Essay
Research On Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Nursing Essay The topic for this piece of work is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This area of research was chosen due to the science and medical aspect behind this very interesting topic. MRSA is a topic of great importance for the general public but also for health professionals, e.g. nurses and doctors. Although it wasnt until recently that MRSA was named a superbug, the medical community remained calm when people found out about it, as they had been aware of the bacterium since the early 19060s. It is common knowledge that the most frequently found home of MRSA is medical health centres and nursing homes. The author of this medical journal is mostly concerned with the challenges and threats MRSA posses to her, as she works in a hospital where the majority of the patients are the elderly. [2] Firstly, MRSA was researched in depth to all aspects, e.g. symptoms, treatment, and prevention methods. The information was bulky and helpful allowing for fully detailed knowledge and understanding of the subject. Secondly, the information was collaborated and mixed together to create a full and informative graded unit on the subject of MRSA. This collaboration of information allows not only for the reader to get a detailed introduction to MRSA, but also gives the reader an idea of what MRSA is and how treatment has developed since the discovery in 1961. The use of several resources meant that the information in the text was not only the most relative but the most informative. Thirdly, and finally, the HND: Applied Science Course was used not only to aid and boost the already present science and medical aspects of MRSA, but to aid in the problem solving characteristics required in the graded unit. Such subjects as Fundamental Chemistry, Information Technology, Biochemistry, and Presentation Skills were used to better the understanding of MRSA and improve the layout and design of the graded unit. What is MRSA? Shown below is a tiny cluster of bacteria known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) seen under a microscope. MRSA is a common skin bacterium caused by Staphylococcus aureus (sometimes called, Staph) that is resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. [3], [4] [5]: MRSA under the microscope The name Methicillin-resistant means that the bacteria are not affected by the antibiotic methicillin, and a number of other antibiotics such as penicillin and cephalosporin, which used to be the common drugs to kill the Staph bacteria. There are a number of different MRSA strains, around 16, all with varying degrees of resistance to methicillin. [3] Staphylococcus aureus (SA) is a commonly occurring bacterium that has been around, for thousands of years and the discovery of MRSA in the early 1960s. Around a third of the worlds population carries MRSA harmlessly on the skin, nose or throat (especially in folds like the armpit or groin). [3], [6] MRSA is most commonly found in hospitals, due to the fact that there are higher numbers of infected surfaces and people in a hospital. The highest number of patients in a hospital or normally elderly who are sicker and weaker than the general population, which makes them more susceptible to infection due to a weaker immune system. Since around a third of the worlds population is colonizied by MRSA, the potential for infection is incredibly high. A person becomes infected when the organism invades the skin or deeper tissues and multiplies. [6], [7] During the early 20th century, 45% of the worlds population were not living beyond 65 years old, with infectious diseases being the leading factor to this low life expectancy. Due to the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928, and the manufacturing of the antibiotic, the fight against infectious diseases including infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus was able to begin. Unfortunately, just a decade later Staph aureus became resistant, not only to penicillin, but also new antibiotics such as: erythromycin, streptomycin, and tetracycline. [8] In 1960, the newest and most effective chance of controlling and stopping Staph aureus was Methicillin. But this antibiotic that had once been the only weapon against Staph aureus was short lived and soon joined the other antibiotics that were now ineffective and useless in fighting Staph aureus. In the late 1970s the first outbreak of MRSA was reported in hospitals in eastern Australia, and by the 1980s MRSA had emerged all over the world. [8] It can be seen in the graph; MRSA Figures of Isolates per year in Europe; that certain countries are suffering from MRSA a lot greater than others. For example, the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland Sweden) and also The Netherlands have the least outbreaks of MRSA per annum. Countries such as Malta, Greece, Ireland and the UK all suffer each year from high numbers of MRSA sufferers or colonized individuals. It can be seen from the graph that the worst outbreak of MRSA was in Malta in 2001 with more than 50% of the individuals tested being sufferers, whilst in the same year Iceland had no reports of any MRSA outbreaks. The reason for Maltas high percentage of MRSA carriers in 2001 could have been due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the bacterium. Another possible reason for the high percentage could be that not enough procedures or policies regarding MRSA were available or even in place. The following two years MRSA in Malta declined to around 40% of tested indi viduals being carriers, which show that policies had been put into place after the outbreak in 2001. [9] [9] MRSA Figures of Isolates per year in Europe The extremely low percentages of MRSA carriers in The Nordic Countries and The Netherlands could be due to these countries having many policies advising and informing people in the community and patients and doctors in medical facilities of the dangers of MRSA and the simple methods on avoiding the bacterium. In the graph below it shows that The Netherlands tested 1238 people per annum for the bacterium MRSA, with less than 3% each year between 2000-2003 being carriers of the bacteria, which is seen to be around only 37 people. [9] The spread of MRSA throughout Europe is a serious problem that seems to affect almost all countries severely. The graph shows how easily MRSA can fluctuate from country to country, and from year to year. If more policies and better education on the subject of MRSA were available not only to hospitals but to the community in the UK then it is possible that the carrier percentage in Britain will decrease, but until such action is taken the British population will suffer not due a to lack of medical care but to lack of education. Symptoms The symptoms of an infection due to MRSA can vary greatly, all depending on what part of the body is infected. MRSA can infect a wide range of body tissues and organs, which makes MRSA the Superbug that it is. [10] Although there are a large number of symptoms of MRSA, there are only two types of infection: Skin infection and Bloodstream infection. Below is a table, of the type of symptoms common to each of the infections. [10], [11] [11]: Symptoms of MRSA related to infection type Skin Infection Bloodstream Infection Boils Endocarditis Abscesses Osteomyelitis Styes Septic Shock Impetigo Septicaemia Carbuncles Meningitis The longer that any of these symptoms continue untreated, can greatly increase the risk of a widespread infection in the body. Shown below is the damage that some of these symptoms can cause to a person. [12], [13] [12]: Impetigo [13]: Abscess Although MRSA can lead to all of the above symptoms, without treatment, it normally starts as a reddish blotch or pimple on the skin. This leads onto an MRSA lesion [14] forming, which is the first and most noticeable stage to identifying an MRSA infection. [15] [14]: MRSA lesions However all these symptoms cant be identified without certain lab tests. Usually before diagnosis of MRSA has occurred but the symptoms of a staph infection are visible, doctors and nurses will treat the patients infection as a common staph infection, and prescribe antibiotics that would have no effect on MRSA. This delay in diagnoses of MRSA could result in the patient having to stay longer in a medical facility or worse the delay could allow the infection to get worse and infect the blood and the heart. Therefore the longer it takes to diagnose MRSA, means that patients will suffer more and the problems in the NHS and other health services shall continue to be unresolved. Causes of MRSA MRSA can be transmitted by direct contact with a person carrying MRSA on their skin, e.g. individuals who are colonizied with MRSA can pass the bacteria through a variety of direct contact from a simple hand-shake to a kiss from a loved one. The transmission of MRSA can also take place through indirect contact. This form of transmission is just as common as direct if not more. A person can be infected by MRSA by touching any surface, e.g. a pedestrian walker button, which is likely to have an incredibly high number of people touching it everyday and all-day, and with around a third of the worlds population being carriers the chance of being infected is high. Hot spots for indirect contact are door handles, game controllers, keyboards, sheets and towels. The final and least likely form or transmission is by airborne infection. An airborne contaminant is the least likely form of spreading as it is more likely that a skin to skin contact will take place with the colonized or infected individual carrying MRSA. An airborne contaminant can be spread when sheets in a room are thrown around the place when making the bed. As the duvet is fanned skin particles are flown into the air causing the infection to become airborne and allows for easy transmission. The way in which MRSA can be transmitted and individuals contaminated depends on where the infection was acquired. The key areas of MRSA spread are; the health-care system and the community in any country, and because these two are the major hot spots it means they can be categorized. Healthcare-Acquired MRSA and Community-Associated MRSA are these two categories. CA-MRSA (Community-Associated-MRSA) CA-MRSA can easily be spread in any enclosed space, especially any crowded or unsanitary condition. Outbreaks of CA-MRSA are more than common in prisons around the world with American and European countries being the worse as well as in military training facilities. The high number of MRSA sufferers in any prison can be seen as a problem for any country. The over populated state and the lack of space and hygiene could be resolved by an increase in the size of prisons or a decrease in number or prisoners in a prison. Although the problem seems easy to fix the strain on any country to fix this problem can be seen as over-whelming. CA-MRSA has affected sports teams, athletes and gyms. The bacterium spreads easily through cuts and abrasions and skin-to-skin contact. Sharing towels or athletic equipment increases spreading infection among athletes. This problem can be resolved by equipment being cleaned after use and towels not being shared. CA-MRSA can be dangerous in children and young adults, causing a widespread infection when it enters the body through a cut or scrape. Children may be more susceptible to infection due to their immune systems not being fully developed. The spread of MRSA and the realities of who is most at risk of contracting the infection all come under as the Causes of MRSA, because each directly links to how the person becomes infected. The environment that a person exists in can majorly affect their chances of being infected by MRSA, for example, hospitals. If a person is spending the majority of their time or even visiting for a short period of time, their presence in an environment like a hospital will greatly increase the potential of infection. HA-MRSA (Hospital-Acquired-MRSA) The reason that hospitals are seen as the hot spot of MRSA infection is because the majority of people there are ill. For any individual that suffers from a medical condition like HIV or cancer, that weakens the immune system, the chance for infection is increased exponentially. [16] HA-MRSA can normally enter though an entry point into the body, such as a surgical wound or a catheter. This can sometimes be a major problem for some patients and can resolve in death. Abscesss normally form to control and heal the infection. For most HA-MRSA infections not much can be done to resolve the problem except to make sure that medical staff are kept constantly aware of how vital hygiene is when dealing with patients. The patients tend to be older, sicker and weaker than the general population, making them more vulnerable to infection from HA-MRSA. These are some of the few problems that nothing can be done about. The age of a person isnt a major factor unless the patient is older as their immune systems are weaker they are prone to disease and infection. Hospitals are filled by many patients, doctors and nurses, so HA-MRSA can easily be contracted, through direct contact with other patients or staff, or through contaminated surfaces and through an airborne contaminant. [17] This can be resolved by making sure contact with infected individuals is limited and the staff, made to contact is also limited. Surfaces in any medical care facility should always be sanitised and kept clean. The superbug that is MRSA can be seen as a never ending problem because MRSA infection can arise in the community, which I feel will not eliminate the stress on hospitals but instead increase it. Even if hospitals were to have better control methods and better policies addressing the problem of MRSA, the outside world could not continue to keep surfaces completely clean, with door handles being constantly used. The problem seems to be more like a never ending round-about instead of a quick sprint to resolving the spread of MRSA. Screening for MRSA Screening for MRSA is an effective and safe method to find out if a person is a carrier of MRSA. Screening for MRSA before a person enters an environment like a hospital can greatly decrease the chance for a carrier to become infected or to infect others, as the staff at the hospital can remove as much of the bacteria as possible through a simple treatment. [18] The screening process is simple and involves no injections. Instead several swabs are taken at the most common carrier sites of the bacteria; the anterior nares (nose), the axilla (armpit), and the perineum (groin) are all tested. If any skin lesions were seen or noticed they would also be tested, due to them being one of the first signs of an MRSA infection. [19] There are three ways of testing the swabs taken from a suspected carrier of MRSA. These include: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) PCR is a method for producing large amounts of specific DNA or RNA fragments of defined length and sequence from small amounts of primers. The reaction is not only efficient and specific, but is also very rapid and extremely sensitive. Uses for the reaction include disease diagnosis, detection of difficult-to-isolate pathogens, and the direct detection of MRSA from nasal swab samples. [20] PCR can be seen as the quickest of the three methods as it removes all the tedious work of having to count up the colonies on an agar plate and it doesnt involve having to wait for several days for the results like an enrichment broth. PCR is also a very simple procedure. [21] PCR is also the most costly of the three, which although is a negative quality it isnt a major factor when testing to see whether someone is infected by MRSA. Enrichment Broth Cultures An enrichment culture is a medium with specific and known qualities that favors the growth of a particular micro-organism [22] The major pro with Enrichment Cultures is that they give an easy way in which to isolate pure cultures of scarce microbial types. The two biggest cons when using Enrichment Cultures is that they very easily become contaminated, which can be seen as very big negative when trying to isolate a MRSA. [21] Direct Plating Direct Plate counting is a method used to count the number of cells in a sample. Once the cells to be counted have been isolated, they are dilute; due to the fact that too many cells will cause the Petri dish to be so populated with colonies, that it would be impossible to count. After the cells have been diluted, they are incubated on an agar medium until colonies form. It is now that the cells are counted. [21] Direct Plating can be seen as the method with the most negatives. Sampling error is the most obvious negative as it refers to the uneven spread of the sample on the agar plate. This is a serious negative as it can hinder the end results. Another negative is that it has little effect on cells that do not split, as it hinders the final count. Through all of Direct Platings negatives it is still seen as the best available method for identifying viable cells. [21] All three types of screening and testing methods are valid and useful for different end results needed. It can be seen from the information that Enrichment Cultures and Direct Plating are not as quick and effective as PCR. Though PCR is flawed by the cost the pros can easily be seen to outweigh this small negative. I believe PCR is the best method for testing for the presence of MRSA, as it gets the results quick and easily and avoids all the tedious work of counting cells. Prevention Methods Hand Hygiene By having good hand hygiene the risk of spreading MRSA can be reduced greatly. Hands and wrists should be washed thoroughly using an antiseptic hand wash or simple dispenser soap. Cross-contamination and spread of MRSA in hospitals is being tackled by using special anti-microbial hand washing products and alcohol-based antiseptic agents. Hand hygiene is essential even if disposable gloves have been worn. Hand hygiene procedures must always be performed before leaving the room (even if there has been no direct contact with the patient, e.g. when serving food, airing the room or making the bed). The diagram below shows the proper method to washing hands effectively. [23] [23]: How to wash hands properly Precautions Infection control precautions can be seen as obvious things in preventing cross contamination. The following precautions should always be carried out at all times and with all patients and medical staff. Cover all cuts, abrasions and lesions especially those on hands and forearms with a waterproof dressing. Maintain hand hygiene Before and after dealing with each patient Before handling food Following bed making After handling blood and bodily fluids and also items contaminated with blood or bodily fluids Dispose of waste safely Isolate patients with a known or suspected infection Use disposable gloves and aprons when dealing with patients, blood, bodily fluids and the making of beds. [7] Education The continuous education of all health-care staff members is an essential art of any MRSA control scheme, as well as making sure up-to-date information is always available and known. The education of patients is also vital to controlling MRSA infections. The Department of Health Services: Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a link to an MRSA patient information sheet. Such information as this can be seen as extremely helpful as it answers the most common asked questions regarding MRSA. [24] All the possible prevention methods boil down to maintaining excellent hygiene. By keeping your environment, your personal care items, and yourself clean you can reduce the risk of contracting MRSA. It is imperative to follow the directions laid out by staff when you are in hospitals, nursing homes, and gyms, as these locations can carry an increased risk of MRSA infection. [25] Treatment The treatment of MRSA, in todays world is more difficult than ever. MRSA being a superbug means that it is resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. With such antibiotics as Methicillin, Penicillin and Cephalosporin being among the many antibiotics that have no affect on MRSA. When MRSA was first discovered to be resistant against methicillin a number of other treatments were devised so as to stop the outbreak of the bacteria. Although the alternative antibiotics were affected for a while, MRSA became resistant to them also. This meant that new drugs had to be made so as to control MRSA from becoming a worldwide pandemic. The manufacturer of such drugs as Chlorhexidine hydrochloride, Vancomycin Hydrochloride and Linezolid meant that MRSA had a chance of being controlled. [26]: Comparison of Vancomycin and Linezolid Vancomycin Linezolid Mechanism of Action Cell wall synthesis inhibitor Protein synthesis inhibitor Dosage Form Availability Intravenous Intravenous Oral Adverse Events Red man syndrome Rash Nephrotoxicity Ototoxicity Bone marrow suppression Mitochondrial toxicity: neuropathies and lactic acidosis Serotonin syndrome Routine Therapeutic Drugs Monitoring Performed Yes No The table above shows a comparison between two drugs that are used to treat MRSA. From the table it is clear to see that both treatments offer adverse effects. With Vancomycin only being able to be administered intravenously (IV) while Linezoid can be administered by IV or orally. The number of adverse effects is greater for Vancomycin suggesting that Linezoid is the better method for treatment of MRSA. [27]: Linezoid [28]: Vancomycin Hydrochloride The images above show the complexity of the Linezolid and Vancomycin Hydrochloride and how they are structured. Isolation of a patient/person suffering from MRSA is seen as an alternative treatment. The isolation of a person is extreme as it means confiding them to one room in a separate ward. The advantage of such an extreme treatment is that, the physical barrier between the infected and the uninfected acts as a disturbance stopping the further transmission of the bacteria. The other advantage is that the separation gives a clear psychological message to the sufferer that they are infected and have a huge potential to infect those around them. With any advantage comes a disadvantage, with isolation having one huge disadvantage. The psychological damage that isolation can have on an individual can leave them so lonely that they begin to distrust those around them. The individual can become so independent that they see no need for help form others and this can lead to a long and lonely existence. [29] Available Aid There are many sources of aid, available for those who are colonised, infected or related to someone with MRSA. MRSA sufferers and their families who are feeling the pressures of living with MRSA can retreat from their ordinary lives, of people asking things like are you ok and do you need any help, online. Through such support groups as MRSA Action UK, a registered charity with the aim of helping and supporting not only the sufferers of MRSA but their families also, the stress of being a sufferer of MRSA can be relieved. MRSA Action UK not only acts as a charity to make the general population aware of the superbug but also offers links to other sites which give information and further support for anyone who needs it. MRSA Resources is an online discussion board, where people who have MRSA, have lost someone to MRSA, or just want to talk about the subject, are able to. The discussion board allows for people to share not only the information they have found on the internet or in books and newspapers but also allows them to connect on a personal level where they can share their own personal experiences with MRSA. Conclusion The prevention and controlling methods for MRSA infections is dependent on the approach and high standards of which healthcare workers abide by, as well as, strong leadership to highlight the dangers of an MRSA infection. Standard precautions, e.g. hand hygiene, together with isolation, and education are key to the prevention and control of MRSA. The overall welfare and safety of a person is of the up most importance, and measures undertaken to control MRSA shouldnt interfere with the already established care of patients. Therefore, it can be seen that the investment in more isolation rooms in hospitals and increased hygiene care throughout the world can reduce the potential of MRSA infections. MRSA can be seen as a major problem for health services throughout the globe, as it decreases mortality rates, increases morbidity rates and causes patients to stress over the possible symptoms. It is essential to have a well-structured and clear policy on infection control in hospitals and educational facilities to stop or a t least stunt the spread of MRSA as well as other infectious bacterium. As well as a clear policy educational programmes and leaflets on infectious control should be made available at request as well for the training of nurses, all to aid in the understanding of MRSA. In any medical facility it is nurses who are in immediate contact with many patients over prolonged periods of time. With this in mind it means that the hygiene of nurses should be maintained continuously at a high standard. Not only should they keep their hygiene high when dealing with patients but also with relatives and visitors to the hospital. In spite of all the possible improvements that have been established and stated in this graded unit, the problem of MRSA control and eradication still seem to be a subject that will never be resolved. Though hospitals could improve hygiene and lower the potential of HA-MRSA, the potential threat of increased CA-MRSA is always a possibility due to community hygiene being impossible to control or establish a policy to which CA-MRSA would be effected by. Glossary (All glossary definitions were taken from the internet, from several different sites). Abscess an accumulation of pus in a body tissue, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Airborne in or carried by the air. Antibiotics a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infections. Bacteria bacteria are tiny, single-celled organisms that live in the body. Some can cause illness and disease and some others are good for you. Bloodstream infection a condition in which bacteria enters the blood, which can occur through a wound or infection, or through a surgical procedure or injection. Boils an inflamed, raised area of skin that is pus-filled; usually an infected hair follicle. Carbuncles skin lesion typically caused by Staphylococcus aureus, and resembling a boil with multiple heads. Catheter a hollow, flexible tube inserted into the body to put in or take out fluid, or to open up or close blood vessels. Cephalosporin any of a class of natural and synthetic antibiotics developed from Cephalosporium fungi. Chlorhexidine hydrochloride an anti-microbial agent. Colonized the presence and multiplication of microorganisms without tissue invasion or damage. The infected individual demonstrates no signs or symptoms of infection, while the potential to infect others still exists. Culture the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium (such as gelatine or agar). Endocarditis inflammation of the endocardium and heart valves. Endocardium lining of the interior surface of the hearts chambers. Erythematous a reddening of the skin. HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) a retrovirus that attacks helper T cells of the immune system and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); transmitted through sexual intercourse or contact with infected blood. Impetigo a highly contagious skin infection caused by bacteria, usually occurring around the nose and mouth. Intravenous (IV) a dose of medicine administered from a drip, down through a hollow needle inserted into a patients vein. Isolation the act of isolating something; sets something apart from others. Linezolid a synthetic antibiotic used for the treatment of serious infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria that are resistant to several other antibiotics. Meninges the three membranes that surround and protect the spinal cord and brain. Meningitis inflammation of the meninges; usually caused by infection by a microorganism. Methicillin antibiotic drug of the penicillin family used in the treatment of certain staphylococcal infections. Mitochondrial toxicity a condition in which the mitochondria of a bodys cells become damaged or decline significantly in number. MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) a serious and potentially fatal infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that is resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it. Nephrotoxicity damage to the kidneys produced by drugs or other substances. Osteomyelitis the inflammation of bones and bone marrow because of an infection, usually caused by bacteria. Ototoxicity toxic to the organs of hearing or balance or to the auditory nerve. Pandemic an epidemic that is geographically widespread; occurring throughout a region or even throughout the world. Penicillin an antibiotic used to cure or stop the spread of certain infections, due to its ability to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria. PCR method of amplifying or copying DNA fragments that is faster than cloning. Red man syndrome an infusion reaction to vancomycin, causing flushing of the skin and an erythematous rash on the upper body. Septicaemia a life-threatening condition in which bacteria multiply in the blood and produce toxic materials; commonly known as blood poisoning. Septic shock a life-threatening condition in which tissues become damaged and blood pressure drops due to bacteria multiplying and producing poisons in the blood. Serotonin syndrome a potentially life-threatening adverse drug reaction that may occur following therapeutic drug use. Skin infection (Dermatitis) inflammation of the skin. Staphylococcus aureus potentially pathogenic bacteria found in nasal membranes, skin, hair follicles, and peritoneum of warm blooded animals. They may cause a wide range of infections and intoxications. Styes a pus-filled abscess in the follicle of an eyelash; caused by a bacterial infection. Superbug a strain of bacteria that is resistant to all antibiotics. Vancomycin an antibiotic effective against some bacterial infections.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Nazi Party Essay -- History HIstorical Germany Nazis Essays
The Nazi Party During the 1930s, the Nazi Regime attempted to construct what it believed to be a utopian society. The Nazis’ rise to power can be viewed as a modern revolution, in which their objective to create an ideal Nazi Volksgemeinschaft (community of people) was achieved by highly regulating all areas of German life. From the arts and literature to sexual activity and race relations, the Nazi Party implemented legislation that restricted what the German public could see, hear, read, do and even think! The Nazis were able to maintain control over the masses through propaganda, codified and unwritten values, and destructive actions (Night of Broken Glass) that actually determined the conditions under which individuals had to live. The Nazi Party ensured its own strength and continuance not only through legal measures (such as eliminating other parties) but also by shaping a society that excluded certain groups from having political influence, particularly women and Jews. Adolf H itler, chancellor of the Third Reich, gives two speeches that exemplify the Nazis’ efforts to separate and even remove women and Jews from public life and discourage them from participating politically. In the first speech, given on 8 September 1934, Hitler addresses the National Socialist Women’s section and expresses the Nazi opinion that a woman’s most fundamental role is a domestic one and her proper place is in her home. On 30 January 1937, Hitler gives a speech in Berlin concerning the importance of racial purity and ultimately the omission of Jews from German life. Although these two speeches are in many ways explicitly different, they share a number of intriguing similarities. I will argue that these similarities are not merely coinc... ...gitimacy of separation based on racial disparities. Hence, gender goes from a term signaling the two sexes, male and female, to a complex standard indicating that a line must be drawn between groups of individuals if one of these groups is perceived as different and potentially disruptive. After years of oppression and racial cleansing, Nazism was eventually destroyed by forces perhaps not determined by nature but certainly governed by humanity. Works Cited â€Å"Hitler’s Speech to the National Socialist Women’s Section†in Laws and Orders: Humanities and the Regulation of Society. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002. p. 276-277. â€Å"Racial Purity: Hitler Reverts to the Dominant Theme of the National Socialist Program†in Laws and Orders: Humanities and the Regulation of Society. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002. p. 274-275.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Concrete Industry Should Exploit the Upscale Market
Meanwhile, gold slang can also be made into a new wall tiles after Jaw crusher crushing, and vibration screen screening, which not only supply building materials, but also avoid environmental pollution concrete mixing plant, it greatly conform to the national energy conservation and environmental protection theme. Henna Daschle Machinery Co. Ltd,is a professional manufacturer and trader specializing in the research, development and production of construction machinery for nearly 30 years. Our main products are as follows:portable Diesel Concrete Mixer,portable attach plants,We will provide you with the best product and service. In order to realize the recycle of gold slang, there are many crushing equipment for slang small concrete mixer, but gold slang contains acidic substances, which has extreme causticity, so we must choose special crusher.Jaw crusher ,cone crusher, and Impact crusher made by Henna Honoring adopt international advanced technology and high quality materials, ,whic h have strong crushing capacity, high efficiency and corrosion resistance, and are widely used in iron ore, cooper ore, gold and silver ore, and other materials. They are the optical crushing equipment for dealing with gold slang, are widely recognized by the market.In the near future, Honoring will research continuously crushing equipment, grinding equipment and Improve old equipment, we actively comply with national sustainable development path and contribute their efforts to develop energy saving and environmental protection economy. Meanwhile, gold slang can also be made Into a new wall tiles after Jaw crusher crushing, and vibration screen screening, which not only supply building materials, but also avoid environmental pollution concrete mixing plant, It greatly conform to the national energy conservation and environmental protection theme.Henna Daschle Machinery Co. , Ltd,l's a professional manufacturer and trader specializing In the research, development and production of co nstruction machinery for nearly 30 years. Our mall products are as follows:portable Diesel Concrete Mixer,portable batch plants,We will provide you with the best product and service. In order to realize the recycle of gold slang, there are many crushing equipment for slang small concrete mixer, but gold slang contains clad substances, which has extreme causticity, so we must choose special crusher. Jaw crusher ,cone crusher, and Impact crusher made byHenna Honoring adopt International advanced technology and high quality materials, ,Welch have strong crushing capacity, high efficiency and corrosion resistance, and are widely used In Iron ore, cooper ore, gold and silver ore, and other efforts to develop energy saving and environmental protection economy. Causticity, so we must choose special crusher. Jaw crusher ,cone crusher, and impact widely recognized by the market. In the near future, Honoring will research continuously crushing equipment, grinding equipment and improve old equ ipment, efforts to develop energy saving and environmental protection economy.Meanwhile, old slang can also be made into a new wall tiles after Jaw crusher crushing, and environmental pollution concrete mixing plant, it greatly conform to the national Co. , Ltd,is a professional manufacturer and trader specializing in the research, main products are as follows:portable Diesel Concrete Mixer,portable batch mixer, but gold slang contains acidic substances, which has extreme causticity, so we must choose special crusher. Jaw crusher ,cone crusher, and impact crusher made by Henna Honoring adopt international advanced technology and high quality materials, ,which have strong crushing capacity, high efficiency and corrosion
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Continuous vs. Continual
Continuous vs. Continual Continuous vs. Continual Continuous vs. Continual By Maeve Maddox Many writers use continuous and continual as if they were exact synonyms, but my English teachers taught their students to distinguish between them. Both adjectives describe duration. Continuous indicates duration without interruption. Ex. The continuous humming of the fluorescent lights gave him a headache. Continual indicates duration that continues over a long period of time, but with intervals of interruption. Ex. The continual street repair disrupted traffic for nearly two years. The adverbs continuously and continually preserve the same distinction: Ex. The child screamed continuously as long as its mother was on the telephone. In this part of the country it rains continually during April. Here are some quotations from newspapers that illustrate that usage: gym membership or a magazine subscription. Some will be direct debits and standing orders, but others will be continuous payment authorities (also called recurring payment authorities, recurring transactions or recurring payments (www.theguardian.com) toward excellence. However, many firms from the smallest to the largest fail to develop and maintain an attitude of continuous improvement. (www.chicagotribune.com) Uefas numerical record of events he almost fails to register, a ghost player draped in his own invisibility cloak of continual peripheral motion. Despite all of this, Milner has still managed to remain a largely uncontested select (www.theguardian.com) modern art found a way of domesticating Abrahams powerful idol-smashing instincts by allowing itself to be continually driven by the iconoclastic urge. Or rather, to be driven by iconoclasm simply for its own sake. It is (www.theguardian.com) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Punctuating â€Å"So†at the Beginning of a Sentence41 Words That Are Better Than GoodTypes of Plots
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Italian Phonetic Alphabet - How to Spell
The Italian Phonetic Alphabet - How to Spell Bravissimo! You finally learned how to use the phone in Italy. Like many other Italians you pass on the street who have a cellphone attached to his ear, you can now discuss the most banal moments of the day. You quickly discover, though, that there are times when, no matter how clearly you pronounce Italian words, the person on the other end of the line cannot understand you. It could be static, it could be because youre skiing in the Dolomites or traveling by hydrofoil to the island of Stromboli and reception is poor. But you need to make yourself understood, otherwise youll miss out on those tickets to opening night at La Scala. Fortunately, theres the alfabeto fonetico- the Italian phonetic alphabet. Ancona, Bologna, CataniaMention the phonetic alphabet to a native-English speaker, and the first phrase that comes to mind is: Alpha Bravo Charlie. It stands for ABC, and is used in the military to avoid miscommunication. Its also frequently used by anyone speaking on the phone (to a customer service represenative, for instance) to spell out words (or portions of those words) to confirm the correct spelling. If its necessary to sound out the spelling of a word in Italian, by convention the following cities (typically provincial capital cities)- or alternate terms- are most commonly used to refer to each letter of the alphabet. The list of cities is not fixed, though, and even native-Italian speakers sometimes disagree about which cities to refer to. Therefore instead of Catania, one could also use Como, Capri or any other well known location. The only rule is to avoid a letter/town combination that could be mistaken for a different pair. Italian Phonetic AlphabetA come AnconaB come Bologna (or Bari or Brescia)C come Catania (or Como)D come DomodossolaE come Empoli (or Enna)F come FirenzeG come GenovaH come Hotel (acca)I come ImolaJ (gei or i lunga) come jolly (the joker in Italian card games) (or Jugoslavia)K (kappa) come KursaalL come LivornoM come MilanoN come NapoliO come OtrantoP come Palermo (or Padova or Pisa)Q come QuadernoR come RomaS come Savona (Sassari or Siena)T come Torino (Taranto)U come UdineV come Venezia (Verona)W (vi/vu doppio) come Washington (Wagner)X (ics) come Xanto (xilofono)Y come ipsilon (York or yacht)Z come Zara (Zurigo or zeta)
Monday, November 4, 2019
Essay on Human Rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
How Do Women and Homosexuals Suffer Discrimination - Research Paper Example Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are subjected to human rights violations. According to Nussbaum, these human right violations include denial of the right to marriage and its social and legal benefits, denial of rights to serve in the military, discrimination in education, employment, and housing, as well as lacking the right to carry out consensual sexual relationship with another adult without having to cop a criminal penalty. Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are also denied the right to be protected from violence. This paper will discuss the various human rights violations against these groups, why these violations occur, and what can be done to address the problem. Women and girls, as well as gays and lesbians, are subjected to these violations because of various reasons. The most significant is because of the focus placed on the public sphere when discussing human rights while ignoring the private sphere (Maran & Angela 12). The invisibility of victims undergoing violations of their p rivacy rights is normally reified with any appeal to the standards of human rights. The absence of rights such as those on sexuality and fertility for a long time has been unfavorable to the rights of women and girls. Additionally, the contradictions in human rights wording cause partial and confused treatment of the family. The private nature of the family, as is the focus of most human right laws, allows gender discrimination to go on unchecked. With gays and lesbians, the confusion on their definition counts as a reason why their rights are being trampled. Lack of proper definition of gays and lesbians for a long time has made their rights unattainable. Arati Rao and Martha Nussbaum are in agreement as far as the cause of discrimination for their respective groups is concerned. They pinpoint the control of the nature of family by the state, as a major contributor to human rights violations for both groups.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Confederate Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Confederate Constitution - Essay Example As such, before the point in time that Jefferson Davis was elected as President of the Confederacy, Cobb was the de-facto leader of the Confederacy and served as the executive power under whose signature the Confederate Constitution was able to be passed into law. With regards to the â€Å"why†question, this document served as a means of proclaiming a level of self determination, a la the much earlier Declaration of Independence that the founding fathers of the United States had penned. Moreover, it served to differentiate the means whereby the Confederate States sought to define the most important concepts of power and the relationship which the member components of their own union must relate to the central Confederate government. As such, the document specified that at any time and for any reason, the dissolution of a member state from such a confederacy was entirely possible and allowable under the legal terms in which the document was penned. Similarly, with regards to t he â€Å"where†question, the document was ratified in Montgomery Alabama. With regards to the key differentials that the document noted as compared to the United States Constitution, these were many and will be explained within the following bullet points: The preamble to the Confederate Constitution placed emphasis upon the fact that all signatory states were acting in their own sovereign and independent character. Establishes the 3/5’s compromise as the law of the land; thereby denoting that a slave can only be counted as 3/5’s of a person when determining the overall population total of each state. Provided the President of the Confederate States with the power of line item veto but reqruierd that once the president would use the veto power that... With regards to the â€Å"why†question, this document served as a means of proclaiming a level of self-determination, a la the much earlier Declaration of Independence that the founding fathers of the United States had penned. Moreover, it served to differentiate the means whereby the Confederate States sought to define the most important concepts of power and the relationship which the member components of their own union must relate to the central Confederate government. As such, the document specified that at any time and for any reason, the dissolution of a member state from such a confederacy was entirely possible and allowable under the legal terms in which the document was penned. Similarly, with regards to the â€Å"where†question, the document was ratified in Montgomery Alabama.With regards to the key differentials that the document noted as compared to the United States Constitution, these were many and will be explained in the following bullet points:ï ¶ The preamble to the Confederate Constitution placed emphasis upon the fact that all signatory states were acting in their own sovereign and independent character.ï ¶ Establishes the 3/5’s compromise as the law of the land; thereby denoting that a slave can only be counted as 3/5’s of a person when determining the overall population total of each state.ï ¶ Provided the President of the Confederate States with the power of line item veto but required that once the president would use the veto power that the bill would then be resubmitted to both houses for a possible override.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Oedipus the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Oedipus the King - Essay Example The truth is, he is strongly inclined towards laws laid down and social order as far as the harmony and balance of the society is concerned and his uses his intelligence and secretive action to live up to that towards the end of the play. He can be categorized as a wise man and being capable of supporting a free outlook when under limited societal influence and peer pressure. Much like other citizens and political figures in Thebes he possesses a powerful mind as is seen later in the play as his action plan is disclosed beating Oedipus as well as Jocasta’s mind games (MacKay, 1962). Deception and in some ways being misunderstood due to the complexity of his character are common reactions associated with the character of Creon. The fact that he symbolizes a political figure that has great respect for social order is negated by his ability to commit clandestine; these acts direct the audience towards a completely different line of thought. A lot of the initial preconception as f ar the nature of his character is concerned is attributed to the fact that initially at the beginning Creon is shown in isolation with the people of Thebes. It was only later that his character is seen to have some interest in the society. ... Creon’s defense was such that this decision was a reflection of the thought process of a business man who possessed strong political orientation; this makes him a master manipulator, who has the valuable ability to choose the right time to speak, take meaningful action and always consider the presence of the audience; An example of his artful manipulation being the fact that he does not reveal his news despite the continuous insistence of Oedipus and Jocasta and instead equivocating and dissembles happily. His ability to be reasonable and his strong opinion which he raises against the king by hinting the unequal distribution of power despite the united rule of Oedipus an Jocasta is perhaps commendable but it is also a foolish move as he openly hints that Oedipus is king simply because of the power the title holds. His candid opinion gets the attention of the audience who at first disapprove however it later becomes the focus point of their sympathy as he is banished due to it: â€Å"I was not born with such a frantic yearning to be a king- but to do what kings do. And so it is with every one who has learned wisdom and self-control†(36.587-590). So with time Creon’s mistake which he pays for by speaking against the king later transcends to be a voice of reason that speaks in favor of social order and equality in ruler ship making Oedipus look like a fool. Creon captivates the audience through this situation, a scenario so artfully played out where he is punished for his individual reasoning and valid outlook. A critical way to analyze this situation through another perspective would suggest that Creon was manipulation the circumstances so that they would work in his favor. It is later revealed that he actually
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Contract and Procurement Essay Example for Free
Contract and Procurement Essay Contract and procurement are imperative operations that should be done appropriately for the success of an organization. More often than not, people who are in judge of procurement do take these activities less seriously (MOLENAAR, 2007). Due to such concern most institutions have put in place stringent measures that control all the procurement transactions. In addition to that, people should be employed to be responsible for this duty according to the policies of many institutions should be highly trained (MOSEY, 2009). This sudden change that has taken place in many companies and organizations has real improved the output of the department of procurement hence most activities run smoothly as scheduled. The directors of the department of procurement partly determine the success or the failure of a project that is undergoing. Therefore, the managers of projects work very closely with the procurement officers to ensure that everything that is required is provided whenever its need arises. It is significant that, there exists a good relationship between the project managers and the procurement officers (MOSEY, 2009). If that is not the case, then there shall be contradicting ideas that will jeopardize the progress of the project. It is worth noting that, the duties and responsibilities of the procurement officers vary in accordance with the structure of an organization. This shows that, different procurement divisions have got structures which are designed to make management coordination and monitoring. This arrangement is imperative in improvement of the efficiency of the procurement activities. As aforementioned, the project manager should coordinate the transaction in collaboration with procurement manager to acquire all the requirements. The transactions which are carried out to achieve this are done un der the interpretation of the set policies, rules and regulations (BOWER, 2003). The rules and regulations set by the institution to ensure that the activities are carried out in harmony within all the departments that exist in a company. Unlike in the past, procurement process has dynamically changed and incorporated more activities. It only used to involve purchasing of goods and services required, but that is not the case nowadays (MOSEY, 2009). In procurement planning is done first. It determines whether to purchase a given commodity and if it should be bought the way it should be bought and quantity to be supplied. After this, reliable and potential supplies are determined, and contracts made with to supply the goods ordered (MOLENAAR, 2007). Before a contract is signed, thorough scrutiny is done by evaluating the proposals of the shortlisted vendors and interviews conducted to select the one that is unparalleled in offering those services and goods. After that, the one that emerges the best is awarded the contract. Supervision of the supply is done by the procurement office. Procurement process gives support to the internal activities that are done within an organization. The operations served include management, production and marketing services. It supports all the processes, infrastructure and systems required by the projects. In other the dimension, a procurement body that is independent and separate provides all the things required by the project on a transaction basis (BOWER, 2003). In this case, the director of the project gives a list of things which are required and the procurement officer buys and coordinates the goods until they reach at the company to be used. In either organizational structure, the procurement manager is involved in generating and managing the operational transactions and the linkage that exists between all the stakeholders of the project. This relationship that is created by the procurement manager exists in the whole procurement cycle period (MOSEY, 2009). The relationship between procurement professionals and the project management team is significant in that it creates a better environment for cross functional participation of all stakeholders. Moreover, it enables the procurement department to produce the best services to the project (DINSMORE CABANIS-BREWIN, 2011). Therefore, for the procurement office to fit properly in the organization it must be well acquitted with the management strategies of the project. In a project based organization, there are about five general steps of procurement. Foremost, in collaboration with management, the procurement office should determine the requirements of the project. After determining what the requirements, the supplier is selected, who in agreement with project managers and the procurement professionals is given a contract to supply goods and services. The procurement department supervises and conducts routine assessment on the performance of the supplier until the contract ends (DINSMORE CABANIS-BREWIN, 2011). In centralized corporate management, there is an interaction between the principal stakeholders; the corporate purchasing coordination team, the chief executive officer, the chief purchasing officer, the managers of the business units and the purchasers of the business unit (SANKAR RAU, 2006). All of them have well defined roles and responsibilities in the procurement process. Most companies use formal organizational mechanisms like working groups and commodity teams, non-formal mechanisms of networking like employing competent people and initiating development programs, advanced systems of communication and use of complex management strategies (PENFIELD, 2010). In the centralized business unit procurement, the business units operate autonomously despite the fact that they are under one enterprise. The business unit creates a procurement order ships it to another business unit for supplier. Proper accounting records are kept to show the financial transactions between the two business units (SANKAR RAU, 2006). References BOWER, D. (2003). Management of procurement. London, Thomas Telford. DINSMORE, P. C., CABANIS-BREWIN, J. (2011). The AMA handbook of project management. New York, American Management Association MOLENAAR, K. R. (2007). Alternative project delivery, procurement, and contracting methods for highways. Reston, American Society of Civil Engineers. PENFIELD, P. C. (2010). A primer on negotiating corporate purchase contracts. [New York, N.Y.] (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017), Business Expert Press SANKAR, C. S., RAU, K.-H. (2006). Implementation strategies for SAP R/3 in a multinational organization: lessons from a real-world case study. Hershey, Pennsylvania, CyberTech. MOSEY, D. (2009). Early Contractor Involvement in Building Procurement Contracts, Partnering and Project Management. Chichester, John Wiley Sons.
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