Monday, August 24, 2020
Enlightenment and the Great Awakening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Illumination and the Great Awakening - Essay Example Such changes made North America to turn into an incredible donor in the provincial America’s economy. Because of the significant changes occurring in the urban areas, there was an expansion in the rustic urban relocation. This was ascribed to the way that there was requirement for them to look for work in the ventures that had been set up in the urban regions. The development of the estates likewise supported the movement as the ranches required workers. There were various creations of crude materials for the plants and this augmented creation by the businesses. Accordingly there was a proceeded with admission of workers a stage that made it difficult to annihilate rustic urban movement. During a similar period, North America experienced recoveries as far as religion, government and human instinct. The job of illumination was to concentrate on testing the current strict norms and the celestial rights that had been received by the individuals. It was through tolerating the strict convictions and resistance among various people that they might effectively encounter edification. It was through religion that they might bring together themselves. That is the reason they contended that religion was the opium of society a road through which people would see one another.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critically discuss the adoption of EMS as a vehicle to achieve Essay
Fundamentally talk about the reception of EMS as a vehicle to accomplish maintainability of organization activities - Essay Example Ecological administration is in a viewpoint of maintainable turn of events. Ecological administration frameworks depend on reference gauges. The most across the board is ISO 14001. There is likewise the European Regulation EMAS, in light of ISO 14001, however with extra prerequisites (among others, the open ecological explanation) (IEMA’s Environmentalist 2008). The startlingly affirmed ISO 4001 has a few advantages that incorporate the huge cost, long, and momentary focal points still they were actualized, and it was found there are more approaches to improve it. The standard ISO 14001 is the most generally utilized measures in the arrangement of gauges ISO 14000 concerning the natural administration. It was directed by the International Organization for Standardization, known globally by the abbreviation ISO is consequently remembered for the naming measures (IEMA’s Environmentalist 2008). ... explicitly requires the execution of the fundamental natural input before setting up the EMS while ISO 14001 suggests that such a training is extremely gainful to set up the EMS, and it recognizes the results and implies the ecological elements (International Standard Organization 2012). The EMAS requires the readiness of an ecological proclamation, to be accessible freely. This announcement must be remotely confirmed to guarantee the unwavering quality of the data. No necessity of the ecological proclamation in ISO 14001 Originally, the EMAS applied uniquely to the modern segment (mining and quarrying, producing, power, gas and water gracefully, and strong and fluid waste), however has since extended its outskirts impressively and now incorporates administration enterprises and governments neighborhood (International Standard Organization 2012: Isodanisman 2012). ISO 14001 can be utilitarian to existing business procedures or specific moves, which happen inside the organization whil e the EMAS just applies to a position of tasks The EMAS gives that an organization must satisfy every single important necessity identifying with the earth while ISO 14001 just expresses that there must be a promise to agree ecological enactment and guidelines (International Standard Organization 2012; Isodanisman 2012). The EMAS gives that the review of an administration framework and ecological execution ought to be done, or finished the review cycle, no less than like clockwork while the ISO 14001 doesn't determine the recurrence of reviews The EMAS natural approach expresses that must remember a promise to nonstop improvement for ecological execution, so as to diminish effects on levels not surpassing those comparing to financially feasible use of best
Saturday, July 18, 2020
How Exposure Therapy Works for OCD
How Exposure Therapy Works for OCD OCD Treatment Print Exposure Therapy for OCD By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 15, 2018 Steven Greaves/Getty Images More in OCD Treatment Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Types Living With OCD Related Conditions Although there are a variety of behavioral therapies for treating OCD, almost all of them focus on exposing you to those things that you fear most, such as germs or an upsetting thought. While behavior therapies can be very effective, only two-thirds of patients complete treatment. Often, this occurs because patients are unwilling to experience the intense distress that can accompany an exposure exercise. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, many patients do not fully understand the rationale behind exposure-based treatments, and thus have trouble sticking with it when things get tough. Understanding exposure therapy can help improve its chance of success rate. Habituation: The Backbone of Exposure Therapy Exposure-based treatments take advantage of a natural process called habituation. Habituation occurs when a person stops responding or paying attention to a stimulus, such as a thought, object, place, person or action, with repeated exposure. Everyday life is full of examples of habituation. For instance, when people first move to a new neighborhood, they may be aggravated by the noise of a busy highway that runs near their house. However, with each passing day, the noise from the highway fades into the background until it is no longer even noticed. In this example, the person has become habituated to the sound of the highway. Exposure-based behavior therapies work by promoting habituation to things that are feared by creating opportunities to unlearn dangerous or threatening associations. Avoidance Reinforces Fear At the same time, exposure-based therapies reduce avoidance, which reinforces fearful thoughts. This is important because avoiding things we are afraid of sends a very powerful message to our brains that there really is good reason to fear such things and that we do not have the skills to cope with them. Lets look at a practical example to see how exposure works to promote habituation. An Example of Avoidance Imagine that you have a fear of dogs. Now picture yourself on a sidewalk as someone approaches you with their dog. As the dog approaches your anxiety will start to rise. If you run away, your anxiety will subside immediately but you will be teaching yourself that you cannot handle dogs, that the distress dogs cause you is intolerable and that avoidance is the only way to stay safe. Avoidance would keep you stuck being afraid of dogs forever, as you would never get a chance to unlearn this fear and challenge these beliefs. An Example of Habituation On the other hand, if you did not run away but instead let the dog come up to you, your anxiety would likely get higher than you are used to, for longer than you are used to. However, with time, and provided the unlikely possibility that the dog did not bite you, your anxiety would decrease through the natural process of habituation. If you met this dog on the sidewalk every day for a month without incident, your brain would continue to unlearn its fear of dogs and your level of anxiety would decrease. At the same time, what distress you did experience would disappear more and more quickly. Eventually, you would feel no distress at all when encountering the dog. You might even enjoy spending time with him. In short, you would be habituated to the dog. Using Habituation and Exposure in Treatment for OCD Exposure exercises in behavior therapy for OCD operate on the same principles as those illustrated in the above example. Essentially, patients are exposed to feared objects, such as a contaminated door handle or fearful thoughts, like a loved one dying in a car crash, over and over again until their anxiety has decreased. Patients are prevented from engaging in rituals or compulsions during the exposure. Rituals are a form of avoidance that prevent you from unlearning your fear and realizing that you can, in fact, cope with the anxiety caused by obsessions. As you are repeatedly exposed to the thing you are afraid of and no negative consequences occur, your fear will begin to disappear. Exposure Therapy Takes Patience and Courage Of course, as in the example of the dog, such exposures require you to tolerate your anxiety being higher than you are used to, for longer than you are used to. However, once this short-term discomfort passes, in the long term your fear will subside and you will no longer need to engage in the rituals or avoidance that dominate your life. Exposure-based therapies offer a simple and effective way to reduce symptoms of OCD, but they require courage and you have to be willing to give them a chance to work.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
My Intentions As A College Student - 1284 Words
The purpose of this paper will be to reflect my intentions as a college student and what I will do in my time as a student to achieve my future profession. To help achieve my goal, I will understand my responsibilities and prospects as a college student. I will earn the skills and qualifications to become a candidate in this new, competitive work field. While I am in college, I will finish the MBTI (career assessment) and Strong Inventory Interest (personality assessment). Then, I will research possible careers within my major. And, in my last attempt to resolve in a career, I will choose one to help navigate where my actions should be placed in hopes of it to help me become a qualified candidate. Also, I will retain the minimum of excelling in my courses and hold my position in the honors program. I will join organizations and activities in which may help build my resume. International business allows a large ray of opportunities to those who pursue it which is why it was the best option for when I had to choose my major during my college application. With this major, I am able to apply the skills I learned to a large field and find a job with flexible works so I can use to learn other skills. In international business, it is critical for one to know multiple languages and have a vast knowledge of different cultures that may be needed one day in the work field. Also, in international business, the worker is expected to travel around the world in hopes of peacefulShow MoreRelatedAssessment And Problem Formulation Of Fice Of Student Life At The Ohio State University1627 Words  | 7 Pagesservice of the Office of Student Life at the Ohio State University. We provide a variety of counseling to students such as individual, group, psychiatry, nutritional counseling, couple’s counseling, etc. We provide workshops, crisis debriefing, and community referral. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Linda Jessica Campbell Of The Dea Essay - 881 Words
I interviewed my office’s law enforcement fellow Special Agent Alice Jessica Campbell of the DEA. She is originally from Galveston, TX. Due to her extensive background in boarder security she was attached to our office to provide insight into drug and border policy. She splits time between DC and El Paso. She stared her career in the Houston office before transferring to the El Paso division where she work mainly on Mexican drug trafficking, heroine specifically. She just began her attachment to out office in January and is assisting us with current homeland security budget and bill relating to drugs, heroin in particular, and boarder security. In Houston and El Paso she worked quite frequently with ICE, ATF, and the FBI in particular. Now that she is here in D.C. she spend a great deal of time with the other Law Enforcement Liaisons and congressional delegations. She graduated from Baylor University with a Criminal Justice degree. Throughout her schooling she knew that she wa nted to join a federal law enforcement agency but wasn’t sure until she got an internship with the DEA. That internship solidified the agency she really wanted to join. She was hired post 9/11 so the agencies relationship with homeland security was already in full swing. But she cited 9/11 as a major factor in her decision to follow a federal law enforcement track instead of her original plan to become a lawyer. Her job relates very much with Homeland Security as Mexican drug cartel have been found toShow MoreRelatedSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words  | 140 Pages Garrett, Charles M. Grisham (TB) Biochemistry, 5th Edition _Reginald H. Garrett, Charles M. Grisham (TB) Biochemistry, 6th Edition _Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (SM) Biochemistry, 6th Edition_ Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (IM) Biochemistry, 7th Edition _ Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (IM) Biochemistry, 7th Edition _Mary K. Campbell, Shawn O. Farrell (IM) Biological Psychology, 11th Edition _James W. Kalat (IM+TB) Biological Science with MasteringBiology, 4E_Scott Freeman
P G in China Free Essays
string(48) " cities such as Beijing, shanghai, Changed etc\." In 2008, PG has become a company with the 6th biggest market value, and has a sale of approximately $45 billion. In 1988, PG entered the market in the Great China Area due to the potential customers and profits hidden behind it. Up to this date, PG has established 0 joint ventures and proprietorship in major cities like Guanos, Beijing, Tannin, Shanghai, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on P G in China or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this dissertation, we will carefully analyze its international operations in the Great China Area and examine the factors that made its success. We will first analyze the reasons why it entered China in the first place by looking into different aspects of China’s overall image. Then, we are going to look further into the operational strategy it uses to keep itself functioning. We will also examine the procedure of how it manages its staffing across the sea and hires local employees. Besides, we will talk about TTS marketing strategies in the Great China Area market by looking into the ops (Products, Price, Promotion and Place) of P China and P Hong Kong. Reasons to enter the Great China Area It is reasonable and necessary for international corporations such as P to enter the Great China Area market. Reasons as following: Increase the sale; Decrease the cost; Increase the popularity; Meanwhile, it is also really important to analyze the risks for entering the market. Here is the risk assessment for entering the great China market. The risk assessment based on following six elements: political stability–the stability of politics and overspent, the more stable the better; market chances–the number of customers and the purchase power of customers, the higher the better; economic development and achievement–the growth of economic and the expectation for the future, the higher the better; legal impediment-?the restriction from the law, the less the better; physical impediment–the restriction from resources, the less the better; differences in terms of culture- -to what extent is the domestic culture different from foreign cultures. The political stability in China: China is a socialist country and always controlled by en regime–the communist party of China. The government has high control in the country and do not need to worry about other regime within the country. Therefore, the political stability in China is good for investing. The market chances in China: China owns the biggest population in the world. The potential market in China is huge, especially when the need for imported goods grows so fast in recent years in China. The economic development and achievement in China: China keep growing fast in recent year and the growth rate keeps rising. In 2007, the GAP growth rate was 1 1. 4, and the GAP as 24. 6619 trillion dollars. In 2008, the GAP rise to 30 trillion dollars. According to the data in terms of GAP and the growth rate, the economic environment in China is appropriate. The legal impediment in China: China’s legal system is new in the world after the reform. There are some bugs on laws exist in China and some people or company utilize it, and there are some unreasonable laws exist. However, the Chinese legality system keeps improving and the relative laws to foreign company are always good for investors. In terms of legality system of China, it is good for entering and investing. The physical impediment in China: the land area in China is 960 million square kilometers which ranks 4th in the world. China is also a main energy import and export country in the world, with the north temperate zone having the most. Overall, China owned lots of resources and has potential. The difference in terms of cultures: There are many differences between the eastern culture and the western culture. China is a socialist country and most western countries are capitalist country. The language is also a problem, Chinese is one of the most difficult languages in the world ND the Chinese culture is the oldest culture olives in the world. Nowadays Chinese are willing to touch new culture and lean new technologies. The culture difference could be a problem meeting in China. Overall, China as a stable-politics country with high growth rate is a talented market and the risk for entering is acceptable. Operational strategies of PG China Procter Gamble (PG) entered Chinese market in 1988, PG and Hutchison Hampton LTD. Had a joint venture together and invested Procter Gamble China LTD. Company with 70% and 30% company share respectively. PG takes advantages from the joint venture PG china Ltd. The company has more stable financial resources and larger economies of scale. More importantly, could share risk with its partner initially in an unfamiliar international market. PG China set its headquarter in Guanos. It cooperated with its first partner for operationâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œthe Guanos soap factory Ltd. PG China kept the factory core product, Joshua brand shampoo, and bought out its rest products and stop the production. This local partner is very helpful to PG. Guanos soap factory has its own production factory, mature supply networks, good local brand reputation, some profitable reduces and local distribution and sale networks. Moreover, Guanos soap factory has connection with Guanos government which helps receive supports and benefits from government. From the current point, this is one successful case for international cooperation. PG China did adequate marketing research for Chinese market. The company firstly chooses some product categories which has lower entry restrictions such as hair care products, skin care products. Meanwhile these product categories are very profitable and have huge growth space with perspective of market development and product development. This is one of the important reasons why China could continue growing in a fast speed after it entered China. In order to save cost, increase profit and better control operation, PG was looking for more local partners to produce its products. So far, PG owns or controls more than 1 0 subsidiary corporations around China area especially in big cities such as Beijing, shanghai, Changed etc. You read "P G in China" in category "Papers" PG learnt a lot from its first partnerâ€â€- Guanos soap factory, the company selects its partners with requirements. That is the partner company should be in small size but could fill gaps in PG’s value chain. In this way, first of all, P could use its size and brand reputation easily control or take the major part in the corporation to keep its operating stability. Then, P could use partners resources for local production, distribution or even social networks and more. Two companies could arrange a co-specialization situation. However, P also had problems from its partners especially in the area of washing powder. For example, the cooperation with Beijing second daily chemical factory. The factory used to have its panda brand washing powder products. After the factory joined P and became P panda washing powder factory, the reduce and brand were kept. During the operation, the factory campaniles that P smaller its brand logo image on the product which may affect its brand reputation and consumer reputation. On the other hand, some employees left the factory and set up their own Company to produce similar products as panda brand washing powder product which involves within copyright issues. Similar problems happened when P China cooperate with Changed oil chemical factory. P china should do more research about the culture of Chinese companies. They are very protective about their own brand and reputation. They are afraid of losing control, and lots of facts show that they may use illegal methods to â€Å"protect†their profits. The lessons P learnt from failure cooperation will help them gain experience and better collaborate with Chinese companies. China could not be successful without its efficient and effective distribution and sale strategies. We mentioned, P has many local partners around China and the company used its size and big brands take over the control in the corporation. In this way, P can fully use local partners distribution network resources without influence. P has different progress and use different methods for underside market and urban market. The marketing teams are better specialized and tasks are more specific. The operation will be more efficient and effective for different markets. Work with distribution partners. The company has both whole sale partners and retailer partners. P formulates concrete policy to benefit both types of partners. And the company is currently seeking corporation with big franchisee retailers such as Walter. P has a complete and mature system to manage its distribution network. Logistics Management P has a chosen a reliable third party logistics service provider to be in hare of almost all of its products’ distribution-?Bagging Logistics Group. With the special â€Å"door-to -door†service and the principle Of â€Å"Customer comes first†, Bagging has built a big logistics operating network throughout China for PG, and by having thousands of well-trained workers performing the â€Å"door-to-door†service to consumers, it saves PG 6 million every year of cost on logistics. Inventory Management Fist of all, having a good sale on its products implies that it has to control every kind of its goods at an acceptable quantity, for example, PG cannot increase the production of Durable intensively just because it is earning none, because it has a high externally cost to the environment, which government will raise the price of it. If PG is having too much inventory of Durable batteries while the price of it is increasing at the same time, the sale will see an instant drop, and this gap between production and consumers’ will to purchase it would even lead to diminishing of the brand. Therefore, P has to conduct very serious speculation and forecast before it decides how much inventory it is going to have. Vendor-Managed Inventory is the strategy P prefers to use when it comes to dealing with inventories in Great China Area, a market with tens of thousands of suppliers. The vendors has an agreed inventory of P’s products kept in their through the communication with the provider through a information system, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). In this information system, effective and useful information is exchanged between the producers(I. E. , PG) and the vendors, so PG will know when a vendor needs more inventory in his store and can make quick adjustment to it. In this process, a third party logistics providers can also be involved and adjust and demand and supply to ensure the vendors has the squired level of inventory, which greatly reduce the cost of the transferring of the inventory. Human resource management of China Richard Duper, the former CEO of PG, once said: †If you leave our warehouses, money and our brand here, but take away our men, we will be nothing; however, if you take away all our warehouses, money and our brand but leave our men, we will rise again. †PG has entered Chinese market since 1988, more than 25 years. It currently has more than 7000 employees around great China area. Effective human resource management is one of the keys that made PG China’s success. But how exactly does P manage its staffs exactly? Systematic Advantage Localize its team: back in 1 988, P China has more foreign employees than Chinese, but now 98% of P China’ employees are local people. Local teams could help better fit into local market and save labor costs. However, PG still keeps its core positions for foreign employees. For example, the research and develop department, most positions in top management. In this way, PG ensure it fully control the company and make strategy decisions. Efficient training system: PG has standard and complete training system for its employees globally. The training helps every local employee understand the job itself and the company. Therefore, employee could better understand how could they contribute the company and have better career opportunities. Nice working environment and transparent rewards and punishment system: PG try to build nice working environment for its employees. The company set standard for employee treatment and try to build friendly and fair company culture to raise its employ satisfaction. Therefore, employees are more motivated and they have higher loyalty for the company. Meanwhile, has a transparent rewards and punishment system in order to keep employees’ motivation. Selection system: P has very complete employee selecting system and the company is willing to train inexperienced youths. It has connections with various education institutions around great China area. International Staffing Local hiring P owns more than 50 branches in China, and every branch is open for the first round of employment. P does not need the person to have the matching experience for the job position that he is applying for, however, basic concept and professional skills is required. After filtering the original applicants, the remaining applicants will be sent to P’s headquarter in Guanos for the second round, and also the last round of the interview. In order to make sure that the interview is unbiased and legitimate, at least 3 managers from headquarter in China are required for every interview. Also, given the fact that all the applicants need to spend a considerable amount of money, not matter living near or far from Guanos, all the expenses for every applicant are covered by China. The interview can be broken into four parts: Icebreakers, Questioning, Information Exchange and Final Appraisal. The Questioning stage is when the famous PG’s Eight Questions re asked. The questions are made by Human Resource Department in P’s headquarter in US, however, the way they are tested is different in the Great Chain Area. According to our interview in PG Hong Kong, the facial expression and the logics behind an applicant’s answer are what matter the most while in the IIS the completion and structure of the answer are major considerations, as P is trying to make its employees match to standard for even surpass the standard P set for its employees around the world.. In the Great China Area, the hiring of staff also follows the same principle that he company is always trying to emphasize: The quality and moral of the person comes first. Fresh graduates from a first-class university in China, due to their flexibility and competitiveness, are the type of applicants that P China adores the most. The data has shown that 90% of the new employees are university graduates from all over China. Expatriate Once an applicant is officially an employee of P China, a series of complicated and motivating training await for them. Due to the flexibility of college students, it is usually very easy for them to absorb the management mode and thinking model quickly. As a result, spends an average Of $30 million on over 1 00 expatriated staffs every year from US in order to better instill the values of the company into employees’ mind. For the expatriated employees, most of them are native American workers at managerial level, they are transferred to China mainly to train the â€Å"new born†employees, give managers at positions suggestions and be in charge of the interviews of applicants. Due to the great staff welfare policy PG has, managers from U. S are given a big increase on their salary for â€Å"compensation†, as they have to be exposed to a completely different culture ND pay more tax give that they are working in two places. However, because of the increasing caliber and standard of Chinese managers, a lot of them are actually being sent to headquarter in Ohio, U. S for further development. Data has shown that an average of 100 Chinese managers and 10 managers from Hong Kong are sent to U. S every year. Marketing strategies of PG China Products The products of household care category that PG offered in the Great China Area vary according to different regions. For example, in the mainland market and Hong Kong market, the following items are available as shown: China Hong Kong Detergent Ariel, Tide FAA Battery Durable Diaper pampers Pampers Indoor Fragrance Iambi Purr As can be seen from the data given, the types of household care products are quite different be;en China and Hong Kong. After our analysis, the following factors can give rise to this situation. Demographical Difference As a country With a huge population, China generates a great demand for basic household care product, I. E. , detergent. As a result, more kinds of detergent are expected in the Chinese market. Also, with more people from rural areas entering the city nowadays, detergents with a lower price (Tide, Ariel) compared to FAA are more accepted. Beside this, the increasing variety of people in China mainland indicates a more diverse demand when it comes to daily-use products. Hong Kong, on the other hand, tends to have a much smaller and less diverse population, therefore the need generated for many kinds of detergent is not very intensive. Also, Hong Kong has launched some of its own local brands ( e. G. , FUD(Axe), Lagoon) for batteries and detergent that already established great trust among consumers, making it harder for PG to have many brands to compete with them. Psychological Difference As said before, with the increasing variety of Chinese population, people are starting to have different demands and options on the kind of detergent they purchase as a result of the different kinds of fabrics and clothing materials they have. The increase of the demand implies that there need to be a more complex system of commodities, especially in detergent. However, when it comes to Hong Kong, as said before, the small population has somehow unified people’s need for multiple brands; besides, it is worth-mentioning that as a city that represents the modern culture and financial business activities, Hong Kong folks tend to care more about their personal image appearing to others, and this is mainly why there exists the demand for an indoor fragrance product (Iambi Purr) in Hong Kong. Price Price is an extremely important and most uncertain factor in the market. A setting of a price is to increase a product’s sale and generate profits for it. A good pricing strategy combines both the consideration of its own cost and consumers’ affordability, and is a reflection of the variable market as well. Being a company known for its reasonable prices, P has unique pricing strategies for its household care products. First of all, having segmented the market, P launched different sizes of detergent and charge them with different price to cater needs for detergent and batteries from different levels. For Tide 360, three kinds of package are being introduced to the market: 2. 9 for egg(an average of Y 0. 97 /keg) ; YE. 9 for egg (Y 10. 5 /keg) and 15. 9 for 1. Keg (Y 9. 6 /keg). To capture the market in less developed areas, P has produced an â€Å"economical package†of 34. 8 for 5 keg ( 6. 96 / keg). What is more, due to the wider spread of thriftiness, P uses odd-even pricing more intensively in the Great China Area than it does the North America. In a supermarket, prices like Y 2. 9 , *11. 9 can often be seen when we look at some of the batteries and detergents sells, in order to make consumers consciously think that the price is collaboratively set after a series of considerations, and thus view the items as cheaper and a lot more worth- buying. Also, for products like Pampers, aims to use skimming pricing strategy to maintain its market place. Targeting at groups with higher income, this strategy makes Pampers more expensive than the rest, thus creating the feeling among consumers that Pampers are better than other reduces in terms of quality standards, effects and values. It is also worth- mentioning that with this strategy applied to shampoos such as Heads , Swanson, P has made an instant success, gathered larger group of consumers and increased the customers’ loyalty by a great deal. Last but not least, PG sets its price by paying a great deal of attention to the moving direction of its competitors, mostly from Milliner, to say in other words: is constantly adjusting its price according to the movement from Milliner in order to remain competitive in the field. In 2013, due to the economic downturn in the Great China Area, Milliner has been forced to lower its price in order to keep the original consumers they have. The price of a egg package Mom, a leading brand in detergent owned by Milliner, has decreased from YE to Y 33. 4 , half as expensive as it used to be. As a result of this practice, PG decreases the price of Tide of the same package from 38 to Y 32 , a little bit less than Milliner, just to keep getting hold of the market. As we can see from above, low price strategy is also an important strategy that helps PG to stay firmly in the business. Note: American Dollar 1 = Y 6. 206; Canadian Dollar $ 1= *5. 780 Promotion As one of the strongest and most competitive commodity company in the world, what sort of promotion techniques should PG have in order to generate new demand and face the challenges from the variable Chinese market? Increasing the number of its brands. Up to this date, PG has over 300 brands covering fashion industry, health, household care products, cosmetics, perfume and food, etc. With a large coverage in the market, PG does a great job in bringing in everyone’s attention. Also, Sometimes, the brands in competition with each other are tooth from P, making profit for What is more, due to the trust built in customers in Chinese market, it is very easy for P to sweep out other local brands and develop at a steady pace. Advertisement For large companies aiming for the whole market, advertising is without a doubt a very useful â€Å"weapon†for the company’s growth In long stand. A good advertisement cannot only bring the company massive profits, but can also build a good brand image for the company as a whole. Large amount Of investment In 2011, PG spent Y 33. 26 billion in the Great China Area, over six times than what it had spent ten years ago. Besides, it is worth-mentioning that the total expenditure on advertisement in 2011 was *55. 89 billion , indicating that views the Great China Area as a very important market. It is shown that among ten brands with the most advertising expenditure in 2005, half of them are PG’s brands. Appropriate and effective content The common technique it uses is by comparison: the person in the clip will usually show the difference between P and other brands. Tide and Durable are typical examples for this; Also, P will have a professional presenting the daily problems, and then provide the solution by introducing a ewe product. Oral-B in the health category is an example of this technique. Both techniques successfully capture consumers’ needs and make them want PG’s products even more. Good choice of people Having a person everyone loves in the advertisement certainly means more people will start thinking about the products, and P is always wisely choosing the person in the advertisement to make sure it generates a great effect in its potential market. Philanthropy as another advocating method In 2007, donated *7. 5 million to China Education Development Foundation, initiating the â€Å"Quantifications]ahoy†(National Healthy Education Plan); In 2010, spent another million on aiding China Social Welfare Foundation, mainly for letting children from less developed area have a better Children’s Day (Novo. 10th); From 2007 to 2009, PG has donated 4 million three times consecutively to Project Hope in order to help kids who cannot finish school in China; In total, PG has donated to build 131 elementary schools in China from 1 991 to 2008, and it has been planning to build 200 by the end of 2010. Etc. Place On Gag 18th1988, entered China as a join venture with two soap companies and a foreign trade corporation in Guanos. After two months, Head Shoulders, the first brand PG has in the Great China Area, was launched, and in only two months, more than 95% Of the population in Guanos has known the brand. After twenty years of development, PG has now become the biggest commodities company with a sale of almost 18 billion every year in the Great China Area, making China the second largest market throughout PG’s global operation. When P first entered China, China was still going through the stage of reformation and opening up. Gudgeon Province, where Guanos is at, was one of the few regions that darted trading with other countries, which provided a great deal of opportunity for foreign companies like and Milliner. Studies have shown that an estimated value of 26. 2 billion dollar per year is created solely from foreign direct investment during the period between 1979 and 2007, while in 2007 the FED was even increased to 74. 8 billion dollar. Also, it cannot be denied that the caring policies towards the infrastructures and resource allocation are another major reason why P chose Guanos. With the construction of industrial areas and the introduction of less tax to companies, P saved a great amount of money on the start up cost, and thus was able to develop at a faster and steadier pace. Besides these, Guanos, as a terminal in the Peking- Guanos Railway, Guanos can provide P with a convenient distribution system and provide guarantee to the allocation of P’s products throughout coastal areas in China. Summary PG chooses enter China, an emerging market and place of resources. PG keeps the growth of its economies of scale, increases revenue and decreases cost. How to cite P G in China, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Law Intellectual Property Rights
Pharmaceutical industries use intellectual property rights to ensure that they protect their products against counterfeits and recover the inputs that they incurred in the research stages. Precisely, these industries use the industrial property (IP) rights, a category of intellectual property rights, to meet their demands. The managers, in these industries, should recognize the industrial dynamism.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Law: Intellectual Property Rights specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through this, these organizations will be able to understand the proceedings and regulatory trends, and the impacts on their sector. In addition, in the pharmaceutical industries, cases of drug theft and other facilities from the warehouse, errors and omissions, and drug counterfeits have been rampant. The managers should know the sources of their threats; therefore, enabling them to take necessary steps to avert or minimize their occurrences. Additionally, these managers ought to be aware of the patenting rights, as this will help to protect their trade secrets. Since employees are constantly moving from one company to another, managers must outline legal measures that guide the organization’s trade secrets. Therefore, the risk managers in order to protect their properties, they can device a regularly scheduled maintenance plan to monitor their tangible properties. The passing of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 made several changes in the overall management of firms. For instance, the act had increased the premiums and stripped off covers protecting the directors and officers. Concurrently, the Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance (DO) did not indemnify the directors in cases involving the firm. Consequently, the directors solely bore the financial burden, thus, putting their assets at risk. Notably, if a director is found guilty in a fraudulent case, an insurer recover s the defense cost they had incurred. Since the company’s’ operations have been more transparent, then before the adoption of the act, the shareholders are more involved in the daily business activities. The shareholders act as activist. Therefore, they have authority to institute any legal proceedings if they feel that the organization is engaging in unethical practices. External auditors help to monitor the accuracy and accountability of the managers.Advertising Looking for assessment on intellectual property? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Explicitly, the fall of Enron in 2000 was due to the collusion between the internal auditors to give wrong report to the public. For example, it built a power plant and immediately recorded profits on its accounts but, in reality, it had not made any profit. Firms have to comply with regulatory requirements in their daily operations. For example, in the chemical industries, they must comply with the following regulations: registration, restriction, authorization, and evaluation of chemicals. If the industries have an unusual use for a chemical, they should avail the details of the usage to their suppliers. However, if the information may negatively affect their reputation, the industries must do their own chemical safety assessment. Additionally, a permit or exemption is needed if the chemical industries are to store waste. This they obtain from the Environment Agency. On the other hand, a waste exemption can cover the industries if the waste storage is considerably posing a low risk. For instance, the industries can store a fixed mass of waste products for research or trials. In sports and recreation departments, there are some legal liabilities, such as occupiers and vicarious liabilities. Occupier’s liability arises when injuries occur to a person when using an organization’s faulty equipment. The owner becomes liable for the injuries . However, vicarious liability occurs when an organization becomes liable due to negligent actions of their employees. For example, a person gets hurt due to an instructor’s negligence. As the director, I will ensure that the equipment meets the standards that the International Sports body requires. In addition, I will ensure that the employment policy is strictly adhered to, such that only qualified people get the job. This assessment on Law: Intellectual Property Rights was written and submitted by user Marshall Phelps to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Class Tardiness A Survey of Elementary Schools
Class Tardiness A Survey of Elementary Schools Introduction Education has proven to be the most essential background to numerous individuals across the globe. Success of several global greatest achievers has always affiliated with substantial educational background.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Class Tardiness: A Survey of Elementary Schools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Given its renowned importance in shaping the lives of individuals, education from a worldwide perspective has become one of the essentials in human social and economic life. However, the path to success in academic achievement remains arguably the most anticipated outcome of the general learning process. For the past several decades, substantial research findings have concluded that the level of academic achievement among students remains relatively low, with several factors underlying this phenomenon. Postmodern research has substantively tried to examine several underlying factors that inhibit ostensible academic performance. One of the contemporarily contested matters within the educational paradigm is the issue surrounding punctuality in schools with both students and teachers reported to fail in keeping time, which has always been a considerable factor in academic performance. School or classroom absenteeism and unpunctuality normally result to disrupted learning processes. Two educational associate members are a key component that determines the successfulness of the educational achievement. Teachers and students are inseparable corporate figures whose association within and outside the school milieu adversely determine the success of either individuals as well as the entire school.Advertising Looking for proposal on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main discussion for this proposal is the issue of classroom tardiness associated with elementary students and teachers. Tardiness ha s emerged to be the most modern aspect that is continuously affecting academic achievement. Tardiness according to its basic definition refers to appearing, arriving or even acting late contrary to the stipulated time. Classroom tardiness may therefore refer to arriving or performing classroom activities in delay. Classroom tardiness is not however a modern problem within the elementary schools, since it has existed in several academic literatures. Augmented cases of tardiness among students reflect the extent at which student discipline in several elementary schools has continuously deteriorated. The aspect of tardiness seems to be affecting numerous schools globally and causing dwindles in academic performance. Aim and Objectives of the study The purpose or aim of this study is to explore the issue of tardiness in relation to identifying whether it correlates directly with the teaching process and the entire academic performance. According to Gebski et al. (2002), â€Å"an object ive is a precise statement of the degree of benefit expected from the intervention, as well as the duration of the benefit†(p.491). Apart from having the principle focus for the entire study, the study relies on secondary objectives developed to enrich the researcher’s argument with great evidence on the status of student tardiness within the desired study area.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Class Tardiness: A Survey of Elementary Schools specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The study will have secondary objectives as follows: to examine the extent of class tardiness among students in some schools in United States; to identify the major reasons behind class tardiness among students in the targeted schools; the study will as well investigate teacher’s perceptions on the influence of class tardiness in their teaching procedures; the study will determine how class tardiness affects individual stu dent and school performance. Problem statement As the pursuit for greater academic performance continuously arises across the globe, several challenges associated with academic achievement are on a constant rise. Substantial research linking teacher-student association and their related preparedness to academic achievement has existed, but shaping up student’s behaviors, school and class tardiness remains anticipated matters. An unattractive number of students within the elementary schools have been arriving in schools and classroom behind schedule. Scholars in different educational backgrounds have consistently cited a greater correlation between school attendance problems and academic performance and students behaviors as well. Tardiness according to prior studies influence the learning process since it results to classroom disruption that subsequently affects the entire student learning and academic performance. Contemporary studies on tardiness are increasing with an ove rview indicating that the tardiness aspect is increasing with time depending on the regions. Despite evidence and aforementioned studies unveiling the realities behind tardiness in schools worldwide, the impact of this matter remains underestimated. For such reasons, this proposal seeks to explore tardiness in elementary schools.Advertising Looking for proposal on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Literature review Extensive research in the educational paradigm covering the issue of tardiness in relation to its influence to academic performance has existed and proved quite significant in understanding some internal school affairs affecting knowledge enlightening. A contemporary study undertaken by Dinkes (2009) demonstrates an example of the studies that uncovered the true situation of tardiness among schools in United States. In this study, several student behaviors emerge to be affecting the school materially, socially and academic wise. Typically, this study analyzed bullying at schools and other places, physical fights and the existence of weapons and other illegal substances within the schools. In a bid to consolidate facts about the state of school discipline and school performance, the researcher investigated the issue of school tardiness as one of the behavioral problems. According to Dinkes (2009), tardiness is a form of indiscipline that involves unpunctuality by st udents that lead to disrupted learning. Disrupted learning has generally been one of the courses of poor school performance. In this empirical evidence, Dinkes (2009) undertook a comprehensive comparison of prior surveying processes involving the schools and the staffing across some public and private schools within the United States. The main objective for this study was to examine if student behavior, student tardiness and class cutting interfered with the learning. According to Dinkes (2009, p.40), between 2003 and 2004 at least 35 percent of teachers involved in this study agreed or strongly agreed that student behavior interfered with their teaching, approximately 31 percent of the teachers testified that class cutting and student tardiness interfered with their teaching. However, the proportion of teachers who testified that class cutting, student behavior and tardiness affected or hampered their teaching differed depending on individual teacher and the school environment. For instance, in this study according to Dinkes (2009), in 2003and 2004, a considerably higher percentage (42%) of teachers in a city or metropolitan schools than in rural or suburban (31%) reported that misbehavior and tardiness interfered with learning. A continuum of investigations undertaken by Purvis in the report complied in 2008 can successfully provide significant empirical literature that complements the argument of this study. Purvis (2008) defines tardiness to class as a state of arriving late or behind stipulated time for the assigned class. The researcher investigated three types of tardiness associated with students within the school environment including tardiness to class, tardiness to school and tardiness towards an assigned area of educational interest. According to this study, some of the basic reasons behind class tardiness may be because teachers failed to dismiss students on time from their previously assigned class, teachers keeping students in class immediately after lesson end, or school administrators stopping students along corridors or simply students having fun or playing games. Purvis (2008) admits that tardiness is among student misconducts, but according to him, one of the most important issues that the school officials must explore in relation to student tardiness is the aspect of if the tardiness is excusable or non-excusable. Another significant study that may form imperative empirical evidence to the issue of school and class tardiness is the study undertaken by Martella et al. (2011). Based on this study, the researcher investigated school safety in depth. The researcher examined the extent of school safety in America by reviewing comprehensive reports conducted by numerous organizations including National School Safety Center, Institute of Education Science, and the National Center for Education Statistics and the Center for Disease Control. Apart from covering information pertinent to school-related violence deaths, school s afety, physical fights and other forms of school bullying factors, the study considered the significance of investigating teacher’s perceptions of class cutting, tardiness and student misbehavior in relation to their influence on learning. Similar to Dinkes (2009) this study principally examined reports from public and private school teachers regarding the state of student tardiness, misbehavior and class cutting and their relative influence to their teaching process. According to Martella et al. (2011), the behavioral phenomenon has been fluctuating in each successive year. According to Martella et al. (2011), the percentage or number of teachers who report stated that student behavior interfered with their teaching fluctuated between 1987-1988 and 2007-2008. The percentage of teachers who reported that class cutting and student tardiness obstructed their teaching remained constant between 1999-2000 and 2007-2008. Furthermore, â€Å"there were no measurable differences in t he percentage of teachers reporting that students misbehavior or tardiness and class cutting interfered with their teaching between two most recent surveys, 2003-2004 and 2007-2007†(Martella et al., 2011, p.289). Just as other studies conducted to determine the influence of truancy and lack of proper timing, the researcher in this study noticed that the proportion of tutors who noted that these factors affected their teaching and performance were disparate with regard to individual teacher and school characteristics. For instance, in the year 2007, â€Å"more public school teachers (36%) than private school teachers (21%) reported that student misbehavior hampered learning, 33% verses 18% asserted that class cutting affected learning while 39% verses 33% blamed student tardiness over learning†(Martella et al., 2011, p.289). Class and school tardiness have appeared in several studies across the globe and the condition may even become worse in future depending on the pr evailing conditions of the future in the educational paradigm. Studies conducted by Thompson (2012) and Abadzi (2007) have portrayed significant influence of class and school tardiness to academic performance and individual student’s behavior. According to the two researchers, very few students can manage to attend classes or schools throughout the term period. According to Thompson (2012), the problem of student tardiness mostly affects new teachers in a certain environment, but reasons behind such behaviors differ from worldwide. Thompson (2012) further asserts that tardy students are harmful to the academic performance since they cause disruptions during the teaching process as well as setting negative tone in a class where the possibility of others imitating is considerably high. On the other hand, Abadzi (2007) claims that tardiness results to disrupted learning since it affects teacher’s instructional plan that subsequently affects the entire class performance. F inally, empirical analysis of educational reports by Garrett in the year 2001 can significantly provide empirically validate literature necessary to support the basic argument of this study. Among the most significant issue examined in this study, include trespassing, student tardiness, and student misbehavior and teacher absenteeism that are core factors to poor academic performance among schools worldwide. According to Garrett (2001), of the total number of principals involved in these studies, 43% of them perceived these issues as serious matters. The disciple issue most reported between 1996 and 1997, tardiness accounted for 40 percent, absenteeism or class cutting accounted for 25 percent while physical conflict accounted for 21 percent. According to Garrett (2001), â€Å"for elementary and high schools, student tardiness and student absenteeism or class cutting were among three most often cited offenses†(p.13). In general, student tardiness in an estimated average acco unted to 67 percent while school absenteeism accounted to 33 percent with all principles concluding that the level of student tardiness behaviors were on a constant rise. Research Methodology Research methodology refers to the techniques employed by the researcher to undertake the study considering all necessary principles covering the research studies. According to Farrugia et al. (2009), research methodology is a logical way of solving problems while research methods are various measures, schemes or algorithms employed in any undertaken study by researchers. It is important â€Å"for the researcher to know not only the research methods necessary for the research under taken but also the methodology†(Rajasekar et al., 2006, p. 3). In this proposal, the study will take the qualitative approach where the application of reasoning and words will be imperative to arrive to the conclusion on the stated problem. According to Rajasekar et al. (2006), qualitative research methodolog y, â€Å"is non-numerical, descriptive, applies reasoning, and uses words†¦its aim is to get the meaning, feeling and describe the situation†(p.3). The study will involve several procedures from setting up of questionnaires, undertaking a piloting study, collecting the information and analyzing the data collected appropriately. Target population and sample size Since the study involves three important individuals in the education sector, school head teachers and teachers will form part of the target population desired to undertake the research. The researcher in the context of determining the extent of class tardiness in schools, major reasons behind class tardiness among students, teacher’s perception on class tardiness its influence on individual student and school performance, this study will target five renowned schools within the predetermined study area. For the study to arrive to unbiased conclusion over the problem identified, the researcher will consider acquiring data from all the teaching staff ranging from the school administrators to teachers. The study will target at least three teachers in each respective school under the study coverage and approximately five head teachers in all the schools. The study will manage to acquire approximately a total of fifteen teachers and five head teachers to represent the entire populace in the study. Since the target population will be appropriate to undertake the study, there will be no sampling. Piloting or/and reconnaissance The researcher will undertake piloting or/and reconnaissance to the desired study region with the aim of identifying challenges, opportunities and to have a familiarization with the study region. Piloting or pilot study is a form of study that involves undertaking a visit to the predetermined or determined study area with the necessary data collection material to test their validity and reliability. During the pilot study, the research will introduce some of the data collection material to non-respondents of the actual study to examine the reliability of the data collection material and the way respondents will behave on the desired data collection material. Reconnaissance is similar to the pilot study, but in the real meaning of the two aspects to this study. Reconnaissance will precede the piloting to enable the researcher familiarize with the study area, meet the school administration and seek permission to undertake the research, establish possible challenges that may affect the outcome of the research and estimate the cost of the intended study. Data sources and data collection techniques For any intended research study to produce desirable outcome under any given circumstances, the researcher must identify and utilize the most appropriate data sources and data collection methods. Data sources involve all materials used in collecting information required from the respondents to accomplish the mission of the research. The sources always carr y their opinions, ideas or even perceptions in a manner suitable for analysis. Based on the intentions of this proposal, simple questionnaires will appropriately suit, as data collection material for the teachers while interview schedules will be the most appropriate for the head teachers who will represent the school administration. The researcher will develop these questionnaires with the assistance of the respective professor to enhance validity and reliability. Data collection technique will involve planning appropriate data collection schedule that will guide the collection of data from the five stated schools. Each respondent will fill one questionnaire or one interview schedule to reach the desired population required for analysis and avoid multiple, irrelevant responses. Data analysis and discussion The researcher will ensure that all data collection materials pertinent to this study are complete in the filling process, collected and arranged properly for data analysis. The researcher will search, verify, and analyze the data in the questionnaires using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. Responses obtained in the form of figures will undergo a quantitative analysis approach where analytical tables of frequencies and percentages will represent the results in more simplified and understandable manner (Baxter Jack, 2008). Where necessary, the study will consider the application of graphs in analyzing data to provide a comprehensive and easy method of analyzing the data. Graphs frequency tables and percentage tables form the most appropriate data analytical techniques that are familiar to many, present large information on little space and scientifically validated through empirical research evidence. The ideas, opinions or even perceptions expressed in qualitative form will have a direct analysis where the researcher will expound and discuss the ideas in details. The researcher in the analysis phase may consider team members to en sure that the information contained in the study remain reliable and answers all research objectives and related questions. Discussion of data collected is necessary to provide a deeper insight into the findings and conclusions arrived from the undertaken study. Since data collected in the study, many are in qualitative or quantitative form, having little meaning to the laypersons and other scholars data analysis is necessary to simplify the information produced by the respondents in relation to the study. However, data analysis is not a convincible endpoint to the research process since the analysis process may not produce a proof of readable and understandable paper that one can draw possible conclusions from the study. Central to this reason, discussion of the data collected and analyzed is necessary to ensure that the study produces understandable and reliable research findings that learners and other researcher interested in investigating similar problem can draw possible concl usions and comments (Baxter Jack, 2008). The researcher will ensure comprehensive discussion of all data presented in mathematical or arithmetic manner in simple terms and terminologies that interested readers may draw conclusions and/or argue. Reference List Abadzi, H. (2007). Absenteeism and Beyond: Instructional Time Loss and Consequences. New York, NY: World Bank Publications. Baxter, P., Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13(4), 544-559. Dinkes, R. (2009). Indicators of School Crime and Safety. Darby, PA: Diane Publishing. Farrugia, P., Petrisor, B., Farrokhyar, F., Bhandari, M. (2009). Practical tips for surgical research: Research questions, hypotheses and objectives. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 53(4), 278-281. Garrett, A. (2001). Keeping American Schools Safe: A Handbook for Parents, Students, Educators, Law Enforcement Personnel and the Community. New York, NY: McFarland. G ebski, V., Marschner, I., Keech, A. (2002). Specifying objectives and outcomes for clinical trials. Medical Journal of Australia, 176, 491-492. Martella, R., Nelson, J., Marchard-Martella, N., O’Reilly, M. (2011). Comprehensive Behavior Management: Individualized, Classroom, and School wide Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers. Purvis, R. (2008). Safe and Successful Schools: A Compendium for the New Millennium. Bloomington, IN: Author House. Rajasekar, S., Philominathan, P., Chinnathambi, V. (2006). Research methodology. Web. Thompson, G. (2012). First year teachers survival guide: Ready-to-use strategies, tools activities for meeting the challenges of each school day. New Jersey, NJ: Wiley Sons.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Zheng Shi, Pirate Lady of China
Zheng Shi, Pirate Lady of China The most successful pirate in history was not Blackbeard (Edward Teach) or Barbarossa, but Zheng Shi or Ching Shih of China. She acquired great wealth, ruled the South China Seas, and best of all, survived to enjoy the spoils. We know next to nothing about Zheng Shis early life. In fact, Zheng Shi means simply widow Zheng - we dont even know her birth name. She was likely born in 1775, but the other details of her childhood are lost to history. Zheng Shi's Marriage She first enters the historical record in 1801. The beautiful young woman was working as a prostitute in a Canton brothel when she was captured by pirates. Zheng Yi, a famous pirate fleet admiral, claimed the captive to be his wife. She pluckily agreed to marry the pirate leader only if certain conditions were met. She would be an equal partner in the leadership of the pirate fleet, and half the admirals share of the plunder would be hers. Zheng Shi must have been extremely beautiful and persuasive because Zheng Yi agreed to these terms. Over the next six years, the Zhengs built a powerful coalition of Cantonese pirate fleets. Their combined force consisted of six color-coded fleets, with their own Red Flag Fleet in the lead. Subsidiary fleets included the Black, White, Blue, Yellow, and Green. In April of 1804, the Zhengs instituted a blockade of the Portuguese trading port at Macau. Portugal sent a battle squadron against the pirate armada, but the Zhengs promptly defeated the Portuguese. Britain intervened, but did not dare take on the full might of the pirates - the British Royal Navy simply began providing naval escorts for British and allied shipping in the area. The Death of Husband Zheng Yi On November 16, 1807, Zheng Yi died in Vietnam, which was in the throes of the Tay Son Rebellion. At the time of his death, his fleet is estimated to have included 400 to 1200 ships, depending upon the source, and 50,000 to 70,000 pirates. As soon as her husband died, Zheng Shi began calling in favors and consolidating her position as the head of the pirate coalition. She was able, through political acumen and willpower, to bring all of her husbands pirate fleets to heel. Together they controlled the trade routes and fishing rights all along the coasts of Guangdong, China, and Vietnam. Zheng Shi, Pirate Lord Zheng Shi was as ruthless with her own men as she was with captives. She instituted a strict code of conduct and enforced it strictly. All goods and money seized as booty was presented to the fleet and registered before being redistributed. The capturing ship received 20% of the loot, and the rest went into a collective fund for the entire fleet. Anyone who withheld plunder faced whipping; repeat offenders or those who concealed large amounts would be beheaded. A former captive herself, Zheng Shi also had very strict rules about treatment of female prisoners. Pirates could take beautiful captives as their wives or concubines, but they had to remain faithful to them and take care of them - unfaithful husbands would be beheaded. Likewise, any pirate who raped a captive was executed. Ugly women were to be released unharmed and free of charge on shore. Pirates who deserted their ship would be pursued, and if found, had their ears cut off. The same fate awaited any who went absent without leave, and the earless culprits would then be paraded in front of the entire squadron. Using this code of conduct, Zheng Shi built a pirate empire in the South China Sea that is unrivaled in history for its reach, fearsomeness, communal spirit, and wealth. In 1806, the Qing dynasty decided to do something about Zheng Shi and her pirate empire. They sent an armada to fight the pirates, but Zheng Shis ships quickly sank 63 of the governments naval ships, sending the rest packing. Both Britain and Portugal declined to directly intervene against The Terror of the South China Seas. Zheng Shi had humbled the navies of three world powers. Life After Piracy Desperate to end Zheng Shis reign - she was even collecting taxes from coastal villages in the place of the government - the Qing emperor decided in 1810 to offer her an amnesty deal. Zheng Shi would keep her wealth and a small fleet of ships. Out of her tens of thousands of pirates, only about 200-300 of the worst offenders were punished by the government, while the rest went free. Some of the pirates even joined the Qing navy, ironically enough, and became pirate hunters for the throne. Zheng Shi herself retired and opened a successful gambling house. She died in 1844 at the respectable age of 69, one of the few pirate lords in history to die of old age.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Chase Manhattan bank Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Chase Manhattan bank - Term Paper Example The CMB human resource has been carefully crafted to ensure that, the organization attracts and maintains the best talents in the banking arena. It also focuses on the development of the existing workforce through training, to ensure the staff is updated on the current banking practices and innovations in the industry. The CMB human resource strategy aims to ensure the bank’s business policy is correlated with the H.R policy. This is to ensure the bank has a sufficient, qualified workforce, to satisfy its requirements and meet its business objectives. The HR department ensures that it recruits raw talent and mould this talent for the future of the company. Through this policy, the bank cultivates a culture in the staff that complements its policies. Selection Process The selection process at the CMB is designed to identify the best banking talents among the applicants available, who will fit into the company, and add value to it to its human resource. This extensive procedure aims to determine whether the applicants are suitable for the vacancy offered. The job advertisements are sent out through different media, which include the print and electronic channels. The application process occurs in the following steps. The applicants, first fill an application for the vacancy through the internet, here, the applicant will receive an email confirmation that his or her application has been acknowledged.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Human longevity, how trans fat affects longevity Essay
Human longevity, how trans fat affects longevity - Essay Example All of the fats consumed are essentially a mixture of saturated and polyunsaturated fats. Fats have been a part of the diet of humanity from the very almost the very beginning of time in the meat that was consumed, and gradually increased when human beings found the means to extract vegetable oils from sources like coconuts, palms and olives, gradually expanding to a wide range of vegetable sources. Therefore consumption of fat in appropriate quantities was a part of human diet for a very long period of time, and consumption of appropriate quantities of suitably extracted and stored animal or vegetable fats need not have a detrimental impact on the health of an individual. It is when unsuitably extracted and stored fats are consumed that there is a greater emphasis on health hazards. To prevent fats from getting rancid or spoiled a process of hydrogenation of fats was introduced in the early nineteenth century. This process, which hardens the vegetable oils, has given us products lik e margarine and shortening. Trans fats or trans fatty acids are mainly these partially hydrogenated vegetable oils that are used in growing proportions in food products, but not necessarily the only source. Deep frying of food products is also capable of adding trans fats to the food products. The detrimental effects of trans fats on the health of an individual and the rising quantum of its consumption have become research subjects. Evidence from this interest has shown that both these factors have a negative impact on the life span of an individual. Aging is a natural and normal process in any individual. Yet there is a difference in the manner that physical abilities of an individual diminish with age. There is increased evidence from research that increase in physiological changes like increased blood sugar and cholesterol levels, elevated blood pressure and weight gain do not contribute to normal aging
Friday, January 24, 2020
Magical Realism in House of the Spirits vs. Realism in Madame Bovary Es
Through the application of Realism, Gustave Flaubert demonstrates Emma’s detachment of the death of the characters in Madame Bovary, which contrasts to Isabel Allende’s demonstration of Clara’s attachment to the death of the characters in The House of the Spirits by utilizing Magical Realism. In The House of the Spirits, the characters all share a spiritual bond, which leads to emotional and spiritual connections for Clara during the death of the characters. On the contrary, in Madame Bovary, Emma Bovary depicts a realistic and natural character in society which portrays her selfishness, lack of emotions, and overall detachment towards the death of the others. Both of these connections are demonstrated through Realism and Magical Realism. The author stylistically ascribes negative personality traits prior to the death of a character. These negative characteristics portray the character as corrupt. In the text, Homais furiously mentions, â€Å"You[Justin] are on a downward path†(Flaubert 231). The textual evidence indirectly describes the flaws of Emma. The excuse of Justin committing a crime and Emma’s presence â€Å"coincidentally†in the text or purposely by Flaubert exemplifies reality. Furthermore, the blind beggar mentions, â€Å"Dream of love and of love always,†before the death of Emma (Flaubert 300). In the text, the blind beggar is singing a song, although the song implies traits of Emma. Emma always desires and dreams of love which provides the purpose for the song and demonstrates her not being satisfied with the love Charles provides for her. Additionally, Flaubert mentions, â€Å"Charles was suffocating like a youth beneath the vague love influences that filled his aching he art,†(321) which implies that he still loves Emma dearly. Th... ...onnected due to the fact that ‘I slept badly and dreamt again of Rosa†(Allende 203). The diction of â€Å"again†in the text proves that thinking of Rosa occurs multiple times and that her spirit is connected with him. Additionally, Barrabas reappears multiple times, for example: â€Å"It was the last, ignominious vestige of faithful Barrabas†(Allende 269). Although Barrabas died many centuries ago, he is encountered with Blanca and Alba. He displays the most spiritual reconnection with the characters through detail more than any of the other characters throughout the novel. Allende’s House of the Spirits demonstrate emotional connections and remembrances amongst Clara and the characters through the application of Magical Realism which contrasts to Flaubert’s Madame Bovary which demonstrates Emma’s characterization and lack of emotion towards the death of the characters.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Selection, Hardware and Software Requirements of a PLC
Understand the selection, hardware and software requirements of a PLC There are 3 types of PLC, unitary, modular and rack-mounted. A unitary PLC Is a stand alone unity, it has no room for expansion and works on Its own. They are useful for automating activities such as stress testing. For example the stress testing of a hoist, Instead of paying someone to manually control the hoists up and down movement leaving time In between each motion a PLC could be used Instead. It could be set up to perform a number of cycles of movement of the holst by the use of Ilmlt switches t the top and bottom of Its movement to detect when to change direction.The time to walt between movements can be set so that the motor doesn't get strained. Other safety features could be added, for example, a set of sensors could be installed around the hoist to stop it's movement if some one comes too close to it. It would also be easier to set the parameters of the test and change them easily for testing a different hoist or piece of equipment. It would have to keep its functionality to a small scale as it can't be upgraded at all. A large variety of inputs and outputs could be sed as most PLCs support analogue and digital.This would mean you could have temperature sensors in use on the analogue and through-beam sensors on digital. It is likely that this type of PLC would be mounted somewhere near the object it is controlling, most likely to a nearby wall. A modular PLC allows for other modules to be connected to it increasing its functionality such as position sensing, stepper and servo motion control and packaging and press controls. Where it may have only had the ability to handle a certain amount of functions adding more increases this. The two or more connect ogether and act as if they still Just one.This would be useful for a company that uses a greater amount automation than the above company, perhaps for a conveyor belt system that is wanted to be upgraded in the future and with modula rity more modules could be added to allow for the extension of the conveyor belt and the new Inputs and outputs that are required. For example a bottling company may only just fill bottles but not label them, they could extend the conveyor to allow for them to print and attach labels to the bottles as well which would require a lot more sensors o detect the location of the bottle and outputs for controlling the labelling machine.Individual parts of the PLC can also be swapped out such as the power supplies and CPU, Central Processing unit, handles the programming and Interpreted the Inputs/ outputs. A rack-mounted PLC is very similar to a modular PLC with the ablllty to upgrade and change different parts of it but they are on standard cards that slot into standard more can be fit into a cabinet due to their design to fit closely with similar units. They are most likely to be used on large assembly lines with a wide range of equipment in use simultaneously.They can be upgraded to all ow the line to run better with more memory and faster CPU to better work with the large amount of things happening. The racks with the PLCs in are likely to be kept either in the factory control room or their own individual room specifically for them. Cost is the most important aspect to selecting the right PLC and the lowest cost PLC is the unitary because it is as it is. It can't be modified in anyway they can get expensive though as the specifications increase.Next up is the modular PLC which can be quite large to allow it to be upgraded with more memory, faster CPU and greater power upply. The most expensive are the rack mounted PLCs. They are much smaller than the modular PLCs but still retain the ability to be upgraded allowing you to have more powerful PLCs in smaller space. A robotic arm inside a cell would need to perform the same task continuously and because of this a PLC could be used.Using a series of limit switches to control when the arm moves there wouldn't be a prob lem because it would be able to stop before hitting any obstructions that may be in the way. For example a series of optical sensors would be able to detect when the item to be manufactured as entered the ell and is in the correct position for the arm which would allow the arm to pick it up and perform what it had been programmed to do. Be it to spray paint on it or to add something onto it, because those motions do not need to be dynamic a single program would be enough to manage it.The software requirements could be quite large depending on the complexity of the task and the robotic arm If there are a lot of joints on the arm that are controlled by motors then the program will need to control each one independently and add to the fact the movements required then it is quite complex set of instructions the arm requires because of this it will need a large amount of memory and a fast CPU to execute the commands quickly as it is likely that the manufacturing cell is required to get t hrough a lot of items a day.This would most likely rule out the use of a unitary PLC because the cost would be too great for one with the required specifications. It is also likely that a large amount of robotic arms would be in use so a rack mounted system would be more space efficient, they do cost more than modular PLCs but keeping all the PLCs in cabinets near each other n a neat and organised manner can make it easier for any maintenance required on them. They would need to be near enough to a computer to program them and update software when necessary.The computer could be in a completely different room as a ethernet cable is used to load the new software into them but having one nearby would make it easier for any quick alterations to the software needed in the likely that the operator would use a proprietary piece of software to program the PLC with, if they were from Siemens they would be programmed in Ladder Logic. A PLC would be very useful for this type of activity becau se it is repetitive, the same item would be having the same thing done to it.A PLC controlled arm doesn't need breaks, if set up properly, so it could take the place of a human and thus save money. A problem though is that the item that comes into the cell could have a defect on it that wouldn't be noticed by the sensors in use so whatever the arm does may be done to something that needs to be scrapped. That is something a human worker would have noticed and would have thus saved money by not doing anything to it.The main benefit of having a PLC control it is that the Job is done autonomously and would be more cost effective than employing a human to do it but you lose out on the fact the human can see what they are doing and ensure that the item entering the cell is correct and make sure he does his Job completely before sending it out, if it was spraying they would be able to check the coat is even and well done by eye where you would not get that from a PLC.Stricter control furth er down the line would eliminate this though. Immediate costs would be expensive with a PLC solution, the obotic arms that are going to be controlled need to be bought, the PLCs need to be bought, mounted and wired, someone needs to write the software for them and then maintain their operation. That position would likely be a higher paid position than someone working on the assembly line.Those that do work on the assembly line do not have as high start up costs but the costs are continuous plus allowance for tools and equipment needed such as PPE. Which leads on to the potential cost each has. If a robotic arm breaks it could potentially lead to the whole line being stopped while it s repaired, both of which will cost time and money.If a worker was to not be wearing the required PPE or Just sustain an injury it could mean that the line has to stop although he would be quickly replaced to keep the line running. There is also a possibility that the person that was injured might file c laims against the company that could lead to a large loss of money. The expansion of what the PLC controlled could be very costly as it would require new equipment and wiring which could mean that parts of production need to be shut down for it to be laid.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Biography of Josiah Wedgwood
Josiah Wedgwood (ca July 12, 1730–January 3, 1795) was Englands foremost pottery manufacturer and a mass producer of quality ceramics exported around the globe. A member of his familys fourth generation of potters, Wedgwood started his own independent firm and became the Royal Potter for Queen Charlotte, the consort of King George III. Wedgwoods mastery of ceramic technology was matched by the marketing savvy and connections of his partner Thomas Bentley; together they ran the most famous pottery works in the world. Fast Facts: Josiah Wedgwood Known For: Creator of the famous Wedgwood potteryBorn: July 12, 1730 (baptized), Churchyard, StaffordshireDied: January 3, 1795, Etruria Hall, StaffordshireEducation: Day School at Newcastle-under-Lyme, left at 9 years of ageCeramic Works: Jasper ware, Queens Ware, Wedgwood blueParents: Thomas Wedgwood and Mary StringerSpouse: Sarah Wedgwood (1734–1815)Children: Susannah (1765–1817), John (1766–1844), Richard (1767–1768), Josiah (1769–1843), Thomas (1771–1805), Catherine (1774–1823), Sarah (1776–1856), and Mary Anne (1778–1786). Early Life Josiah Wedgwood was baptized on July 12, 1730, the youngest of at least eleven children of Mary Stringer (1700–1766) and Thomas Wedgwood (1685–1739). The founding potter in the family was also called Thomas Wedgwood (1617–1679), who established a successful pottery works around 1657 at Churchyard, Staffordshire, where his great-great-grandchild Josiah was born. Josiah Wedgwood had little formal education. He was nine years old when his father died, and he was taken from school and sent to work in the pottery for his eldest brother, (another) Thomas Wedgwood (1717–1773). At 11, Josiah had smallpox, which confined him to bed for two years and ended with permanent damage to his right knee. At the age of 14, he was formally apprenticed to his brother Thomas, but because he could not physically work the wheel, at 16 he had to quit. Wedgwood teacup and saucer in the Waterford Wedgwood flagship store in London, England. The teacup features the white and blue jasper ware ceramic which is synonymous with the brand. Oli Scarff / Getty Images News Early Career At the age of 19, Josiah Wedgwood proposed that he be taken into his brothers business as a partner, but he was rejected. After a two-year position with the pottery firm of Harrison and Alders, in 1753, Wedgwood was offered a partnership with the Staffordshire firm of potter Thomas Whieldon; his contract stipulated that he would be able to experiment. Wedgwood stayed at the Whieldon pottery from 1754–1759, and he began experimenting with pastes and glazes. A primary focus was on improving creamware, the first commercial English ceramic invented in 1720 and widely used by the potters of the time. Creamware was very flexible and could be decorated and over-glazed, but the surface was likely to craze or flake when subjected to temperature changes. It chipped readily, and the lead glazes broke down in combination with food acids, making them a source of food poisoning. Further, the application of the lead glaze was hazardous to the health of the workers in the factory. Wedgwoods version, eventually called queens ware, was slightly yellower, but had a finer texture, greater plasticity, less lead contentâ€â€and it was lighter and stronger and less prone to break during shipments. Thomas Bentley Partnership In 1759, Josiah leased Ivy House pottery in Burslem, Staffordshire, from one of his uncles, a factory which he would build and expand several times. In 1762, he built his second works, the Brick-House, alias the Bell Works at Burslem. That same year, he was introduced to Thomas Bentley, which would prove to be a fruitful partnership. Wedgwood was innovative and had a strong technical understanding of ceramics: but he lacked formal education and social contacts. Bentley had a classical education, and he was socially connected to artists, scientists, merchants, and intellectuals in London and around the world. Best yet, Bentley had been a wholesale merchant in Liverpool for 23 years and had a broad understanding of the current and changing ceramic fashions of the day.  Josiah Wedgwoods Ivy and Etruria works in Staffordshire, England, ca. 1753. Oxford Science Archive / Print Collector / Getty Images Marriage and Family On January 25, 1764, Wedgwood married his third cousin, Sarah Wedgwood (1734–1815) and they eventually had eight children, six of whom survived to adulthood: Susannah (1765–1817), John (1766–1844), Richard (1767–1768), Josiah (1769–1843), Thomas (1771–1805), Catherine (1774–1823), Sarah (1776–1856), and Mary Anne (1778–1786). Two sons, Josiah Jr. and Tom, were sent to school in Edinburgh and then privately tutored, although neither joined the business until Josiah was ready to retire in 1790. Susannah married Robert Darwin, and was the mother of the scientist Charles Darwin; Charles grandfather was scientist Erasmus Darwin, a friend of Josiahs. Ceramic Innovations Together, Wedgwood and Bentley created a huge variety of ceramic objectsâ€â€Bentley keeping an eye to the demand, and Wedgwood responding with innovation. In addition to hundreds of types of tableware, their Staffordshire Etruria manufacturing facility produced specialty wares for grocers and butchers (weights and measures), dairies (milking pails, strainers, curd pots), sanitary purposes (tiles for indoor bathrooms and sewers all over England), and the home (lamps, baby feeders, food warmers). Wedgwoods most popular wares were called jasper, an unglazed matte biscuit ware available in solid paste colors: green, lavender, sage, lilac, yellow, black, a pure white, and Wedgwood blue. Bas-relief sculptures were then added to the surface of the solid paste color, creating a cameo-like appearance. He also developed black basalt, a stoneware in striking deep back colors. The Portland Vase (black and white jasper ware) that Wedgwood considered his finest work inside the Wedgwood Museum, in Stoke-on-Trent. Christopher Furlong / Getty Images The Art Market To answer what Bentley saw as a new demand in London for Etruscan and Greco-Roman art, Wedgwood made cameos, intaglios, plaques, beads, buttons, figurines, candlesticks, ewers, jugs, flower holders, vases, and medallions for furniture all decorated with classic art figures and themes. The canny Bentley recognized that original Greek and Roman nudes were too warm for English and American tastes, and the firm dressed their Greek goddesses in full-length gowns and their heroes in fig leaves. Penelope and Maidens, Wedgwood plaque, 18th century. Illustration from Story of the British Nation, Volume III, by Walter Hutchinson, (London, c1920s). Hulton Archive / Getty Images The demand for cameo portraits skyrocketed and Wedgwood met it by hiring known artists to make models in wax for use on the production floor. Among them were Italian anatomist Anna Morandi Manzolini, Italian artist Vincenzo Pacetti, Scottish gem engraver James Tassie, British designer Lady Elizabeth Templeton, French sculptor Lewis Francis Roubiliac, and English painter George Stubbs. Wedgwoods two main modelers were British: John Flaxman and William Hackwood. He sent Flaxman to Italy to set up a wax modeling studio between 1787–1794, and Wedgwood also set up a studio in Chelsea where artists in London could work. George III and Queen Charlotte, modeled by William Hackwood after waxes by Isaac Gosset, 1776-1780, jasper, ormolu frames by Matthew Boulton. Public Domain (on display at Wedgwood Museum, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent, England) Queens Ware Arguably, Wedgwood and Bentleys most successful coup was when they sent a gift set of hundreds of his cream-colored tableware to British King George IIIs consort, Queen Charlotte. She named Wedgwood Potter to Her Majesty in 1765; he renamed his cream-colored ware Queens ware. Five years later, Wedgwood obtained a commission for a several-hundred piece tableware service from the Russian empress Catherine the Great, called the Husk service. It was followed up by the Frog service, a commission for Catherines La Grenouilliere (frog marsh, Kekerekeksinsky in Russian) palace consisting of 952 pieces decorated with over 1,000 original paintings of the English countryside. The Life of a Scientist Wedgwoods classification as a scientist has been debated over the intervening centuries. Largely through his connection to Bentley, Wedgwood did become a member of the famous Lunar Society of Birmingham, which included James Watt, Joseph Priestly, and Erasmus Darwin, and he was elected into the Royal Society in 1783. He contributed papers to the Royal Societys Philosophical Transactions, three on his invention, the pyrometer, and two on ceramic chemistry. The pyrometer was a tool made first of brass and then high-fired ceramic that allowed Wedgwood to determine the internal heat of a kiln. Wedgwood recognized that the application of heat shrinks clay, and the pyrometer was his attempt to measure that. Unfortunately, he never was able to calibrate the measurements to any scientific scale available at the time, and the subsequent centuries have found that Wedgwood was somewhat incorrect. It is a combination of heat and the length of kiln time that shrinks pottery in a measurable fashion. The showrooms of Wedgwood Byerley in St Jamess Square, London, 1809. Hulton Archive / Getty Images Retirement and Death Wedgwood was often ill for much of his life; he had smallpox, his right leg was amputated in 1768, and he had trouble with his sight beginning in 1770. After his partner Thomas Bentley died in 1780, Wedgwood turned the management of the shop in London over to a nephew, Thomas Byerly. Nevertheless, he was a vigorous and active director of the Etruria and other manufactories up until his retirement in 1790. He left his company to his sons and retired to his mansion Etruria Hall. In late 1794, he fell illâ€â€possibly with cancerâ€â€and died on January 3, 1795, at the age of 64. Legacy When Wedgwood began his work, Staffordshire was the home of several important ceramic manufacturers such as Josiah Spode and Thomas Minton. Wedgwood and Bentley made their company the most important of the Staffordshire potteries and arguably the best-known pottery in the western world. Etruria would run as a facility until the 1930s. Wedgwoods company remained independent until 1987, when it merged with Waterford Crystal, then with Royal Doulton. In July 2015, it was acquired by a Finnish consumer goods company. Selected Sources Born, Byron A. Josiah Wedgwoods Queensware. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 22.9 (1964): 289–99. Print.Burton, William. Josiah Wedgwood and His Pottery. London: Cassell and Company, 1922.McKendrick, Neil. Josiah Wedgwood and Factory Discipline. The Historical Journal 4.1 (1961): 30–55. Print.---. Josiah Wedgwood and Thomas Bentley: An Inventor-Entrepreneur Partnership in the Industrial Revolution. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 14 (1964): 1–33. Print.Meteyard, Eliza. The Life of Josiah Wedgwood: From His Private Correspondence and Family Papers with an Introductory Sketch of the Art of Pottery in England, two volumes. Hurst and Blackett, 1866.Schofield, Robert E. Josiah Wedgwood, Industrial Chemist. Chymia 5 (1959): 180–92. Print.Townsend, Horace. Lady Templetown and Josiah Wedgwood. Art Life 11.4 (1919): 186–92. Print.Wedgwood, Julia. The Personal Life of Josiah Wedgwood, the Potter. London: Macmillan and Company, 1915. Print .
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